
Why cant any boys be like edward cullen in real life?

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i just dont understand why? hes perfect why would boys not want to be like him




  1. I wish he was real.. hahahaha! He's freakin' amazing.

  2. because no one's perfect. I wish I could find someone like him though, he is so sweet! If only he was real.

  3. Because Edward Cullen is a mythical creature.

    BUT I wish guys were more like him though. :D

  4. HE'S PAPER!!!!

    You have to understand the Edward is not and will never be real. Real guys will never be like him, no matter how much you want them to. And you know what? It's mean and offensive for you and all the other Twilight fans to compare Edward to real guys.

    I happen to like REAL guys, ones that are nice and fun but have flaws to balance that out. And any guy reading this should know that you are way better than any fictional character!

    And if you think you'd rather be with Edward Cullen than a real guy, go ahead. Real guys deserve better anyway.

    Why would boys not want to be like him? MAYBE BECAUSE THEY FEEL COMFORTABLE BEING THEMSELVES. And I like them that way. You need to get over yourself, and consider that maybe guys are fine the way they are!

  5. i wish i had a vampire as a boyfriend. :) haah  

  6. ...because they're jealous and don't want to admit it. Plus if they were like him, then they'd all want to suck our blood, and that may not be so good.

  7. he has a century of experience, no one i know has that --- my sis recommended the book and i gotta say it sucked

  8. Because fantasy and reality are not the same.  They might ask why you cannot be like Sleeping Beauty or Rapunzel.  We can enjoy the fantasy world, but we have to live in the real world with real people.

  9. Because he's not real, and he's a cold, manipulative prick.

    Do you really want a boy who would sneak into your room, without your knowledge, and watch you sleep? Do you really want a boy who would have his family kidnap you just because he said so? Do you really want a boy who would DISMANTLE your car to keep you from seeing a friend?

    Does being 'beautiful' make up for those abusive actions?

    Frankly, I don't see why anyone would want a guy like him.

  10. Because you only know what he says or does in the book. You don't see him all the time. You only see the good side. Hes much like a stranger. Plus, he was created by a woman so he is basically a woman!!!ha

  11. LOL i tottally understand you but he is a vampire and i don't think that they exist if they did tht would be awnsome( well maybe theydo exist but the are very goood at hiding it) And guys don't want to be like that because they don't know how to be like them  

  12. He is an abusive, over protective man. You obviously can't see the flaw in him because you are thinking like bella!

    Have you realized what a poorly written moral Meyer sets in the minds of teens. Bella lost all the personality she had from the beginning of the book. She isolates herself just for edward and does all the things she hated in the first place. She gets married and has a kid--she didn't ever want that. All for Edward? Does meyer really want kinds to forget their lives and live and be CONTROLLED by a man.

    Well if that's what you want Edwards just right for you. Guys like him aren't real. Edward cullen is plastic.

  13. because he's an over controlling, patronizing jerk with no personality.

    thank god boys aren't like him.

  14. Because vampires dont exist?

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