
Why cant eleven year olds work in public places????

by  |  earlier

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i mean were able to do what a sixteen year old person can do and im sick of being looked down on being a shadow i mean most sixteen year olds are immature and not focused. now comment back to me




  1. because of child labor laws. I'm sorry but 11 year old kids cant do the same quality of work that 15-17 year old kids can do. and honestly most 11 year old kids have no desire to do their work while they are at work anyway. my job requires me to haul 50 pound boxes up stairs through a busy service department at a car dealership. i don't think an 11 year old kid would be smart enough to make sure people weren't driving into the department or if there was water on the floor to slip on (extremely slippery floors) 11 year olds are extremely immature and don't have the work ethic. enjoy your youth while you still can. if you want a job do chores around the house and quit complaining

  2. Because child labor laws were passed to protect children from being taken advantage of by employers.

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  3. because someone decided on 14. And they don't even have to pay them min wage.

    Probably liability reasons..

    or they really just want you to focus on school.

  4. Because so many parents used to put their children to work, and then lived off the kids' wages--and employers would take advantage of them, and pay them next to nothing.  Wasn't fair, so laws were passed against it.  You'll get your chance to work, never fear.

  5. Because child labor laws don't allow it and most employers wouldn't feel a person that age would be able to handle the amount of responsibility needed to do most jobs in the workplace. If an eleven year old is looking to make some money and/or have something to do with his/her time. He/she could always do things like do yardwork/housework, walk dogs/take care of pets, wash cars, or, possibly, do some babysitting for relatives or neighbors.

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