
Why cant england give back full controll of ireland back to us irish isnt it time england stepped down?

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Why cant england give back full controll of ireland back to us irish isnt it time england stepped down?




  1. It would be nice to have a united Ireland but its not going to happen in our Era,

    England wont give up face now and it must be costing the British taxpayer a fortune, I have nothing against English people and do find it amusing that they think we all hate them over here !!!!

  2. Because most of Northern Ireland wants to remain British, and as such we have a duty to "look after our own". If the consensus in Northern Irelnad was to become independant, we would be out of there like a shot. I am afriad you are vastly over simplfying things to think you've come up with the solution of giving it back, it would probably cause more unrest than we have ever seen before. What's next, arrange a tea party between Israel and the Palestinians? You could be on a roll.

  3. you can have it back as long as u take all non British as well

  4. Mmm.. until recently there was a Protestant majority in Ulster. Although it looks like the Catholic population is/or will soon overtake it. It may be the case that it will go to referendum, although the UK Government seems to be against splitting further.

  5. If you're talking about Northern Ireland, the majority of the people who live there want it to stay part of the UK.  That's presumably part of the reason why it still is.

  6. you want control now that your island is on its feet due to European money,    you were quite happy to accept British money when you had none because make no mistake Ireland has not been self sufficient ( financially) in its history

  7. After reading some of the answers on this topic, I would suggest many take time and catch up on current events in NI politics. Some are YEARS behind.

  8. Considering that Britain (or whatever variant you want to call it) had its heel on Ireland's neck for nearly 800 years, I'm not surprised that it's not willing to give it up.  Take a stroll through some of the lowlights of British rule and you'll see that to them, the Irish are nothing more than subhumans:  The Statutes of Kilkenny; Cromwell's sack of Drogheda (it was Cromwell who ruthlessly planted the Scottish Presbyterian soldiers in Ireland on lands conquered from Irish Catholics), the exile and enslavement of Irish, the millions of Irishmen who died fighting Britain's wars, the British government's criminal handling of the Irish Famine, Partition, Shoot-to-Kill orders, the Stalker Affair and the the assistance given by the British government to Protestant groups against the IRA.

    When it comes to the Irish, what used to be "Britannia Rules the Waves" becomes "Britannia Waives the Rules."

    By arguing now that it is up to the populace to decide, it is conferring upon those with British sympathies what it so long denied the Irish:  The right to self-determination.


  9. LOL just has to be an American asking that question!!!!! No self respecting Irish person would ask a question like that!

  10. you would end up like france just after the second world war - the french hunted out the collaborators who helped the Germans - the irish would do the same with who helped the english.

  11. Because they are complete and utter B astards.

    And that's being nice!!

    Well who can blame them? We (Ireland) is such a great country after all!!

  12. It's up to the voters of NI if they want to remain in the UK or reunify with Eire.

  13. The southern part of the island should rejoin the UK and come out of the dark ages. The days of being told what to do by child abusing RC priests are over.

  14. It's too much too soon. Considering the horrors of just thirty years ago, huge progress has been made (I was a child 30 years ago, so I remember this firsthand) on both sides, and another 30 years will make a huge difference also.

  15. It would require a public vote in the north and the current majority is in favour of being part of the UK, you cant take away the loylast communities democratic right to vote, even if they have a history of doing exactly this to the catholic community(gerrymandering that is). Also in the republic there is a growing consensus that dosent want to be reunified, currrently it is at about 43%. This is due to the economic problems that would cause. plus to much time is past and we are completly different people. Ki

    Again this theory of The republic of ireland never standing on its own feet. prior to joining the EU we were on our own. We opened up our fishing waters to the EU on joining, these waters are worth 30 billion annually and are the best and most lucrative fishing grounds in the EU (just ask the spanish). while we did not give direct money to the EU but we did and still do contribute to europe which is more than can be said for the UK who seem to be very EU negativwe, if so why dont you just leave the EU.

    We The republic, gave 7 billion in infastructral aid to the north last year. Get your facts right.

    As for the potatoe comment(I assume you are stupid and possibly even retarded, so I wont slagg you of that much, but here is a lesson for you,The republic of Ireland is one of the biggest exporter of software per capita in the world and in the top 5 richest countries per capita and gdp in the world. the UK is languishing some where in the top 20. So try again when you have something more intellegent to say.)

    I guess we must be self sufficient if we are in the top 5.

  16. Bit of a tangled problem.  I am English and have no problem whatsoever with a united Ireland.

    I had friends in Antrim who thought the same thing, but I know a few Irish people who want to be British.

    Then of course, there is the fact that Belfast is a major port, a good source of income that no British government would want to lose control over.

  17. I agree. We live in 21 century and colonialism should be dead. Long live a free Ireland, Kosovo, Darfur and many other not yet liberated regions of the world.

  18. aye i agree

    and scotland and wales too

    they should learn their place in the world because after 1000 years of lording over the Earth they've had their fun.

    we should attack them ourselves!!!

    and they promised us armagh and fermanagh in the original border treaty but then cheated us out of it!!!!!!!!

  19. As an Englishman I have to agree with you that it's high time we pulled right out of Ireland, and restored your full independence.

    There are, however, a number of problems. One is that there is a considerable body of opinion in Northern Ireland which would fight against this idea. I am a supporter of democratic government (unlike the current majority in Westminster !), and I think that a referendum in N.I. would produce a result that you would not like.

    Second, and perhaps more important, the Republic of Ireland might OFFICIALLY want to see the island re-united, but in practical terms, and unofficially, they would see it as too expensive a proposition.

    The UK government presently subsidises Northern Ireland to a large extent, and the Republic could not afford to take over this subsidy.

    Anyway, if the current UK government has its way, we will all be of one nationality soon, i.e. European, and then it won't matter a d**n where you come from !!!

  20. Neither form of militant nationalism offers any hope. Irish people would do better to study the Gospels and come to a saving experience of the Lord Jesus

  21. England doesn't have any control at all in Ireland. The part of the island known as Northern Ireland is a part of the UK and has as much control over the English as the English have over NI.

  22. The english should'nt be too blase about answering this question. Remember, as in the past, the balance of power can be held by the northern politicians. Watch the tail wag that Dog, Man!

    Didn't Winston Churchill say that, although our Premier, De Valera, said they could not have our ports, if the Brits needed them, they would be taken? What does that say about any honourable agreement? Who knows what it's all about?

    They never should have come here in the first place. And no one can argue with THAT! Least of all the Brits.

  23. There are 2 ireland...north and rebublic

  24. What has it got to do with England? Can never understand this idea that Northern Ireland is 'under' the jackboot of the English. It isn't. It's a member of the United Kingdom, same as Scotland, Wales and England.

    Nor is it for the folk of the northern counties solely to decide. Maybe the cousins across the border don't want NI and it's inherent problems and financial costs.

    Anyway - too simplistic a question to be answered fully here.

  25. I was once asked by a South African why the British didn't get out of Ireland. I replied that the Republicans said 'if you stay we will kill you' and the Unionists say 'if you leave we will kill you'. The South African replied, '...but that's not logical!', to which I replied 'Logic has nothing to do with it.'

  26. wheres ireland?

  27. yeah scotland too.. but the top irish officals/an some people dont want it at the moment the same as scotland make things difficult.. the english rule has slipped all over the world an is still happening.. watch them lose total power as a nation its funny.. politic is there downfall..the thing they cherrish the most aswell.. haha

  28. It's not as simple as that. The world today is run by big business and the economy, and when it's financially viable - it will happen. Don't get it twisted. The british Government would drop us in a second if they could, but they can't because 52% of the population believe themselves to be British. It will happen one day, but it'll not be some big grand gesture like the South reclaiming us - it'll be down to the European Union and will be accompanied by a truckload of financial concessions (because money talks).

    big_al_at_home: That is trash. The vast vast majority of people here just want to get on and make our lives better. It's c**p like that which made what happened over the last year 30 odd years too late. if you saw Gerry Adams at david Ervine's funeral last year, that would be proof that people have moved on.

  29. It's up to the people of Northern Ireland to decide what they want. Most of them want to stay as they are. People don't have the right to simply say 'give it back it used to be ours'. If the people in the North wanted to join the Republic I don't think Britain could stop them.

  30. if you mean ulster, why not ask them what they'd rather?

    (ps, bet they'd say stick with "england". or possibly the united kingdom)

  31. I think its up to the people that live there.

    The answer above me makes a great point!!

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