
Why cant english riders just let go when they fall off?

by  |  earlier

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This was postedabout half an hour ago and the answers has now been deleted...not surprised!! its rude! anyway heres what i would have answered-

Excuse me! Who wants to fall off? You have to try and hold on to your horse, what happens if you fall off in an open area and you let go of the reins? You say goodbye to your horse!!

DUH!! Nobody likes falling off! You are supposed to stay on!

Im guessing your a rider who has a steady placid horse who never puts a foot out of line, you then never see the point of clinging on cos you've never had to! I wish you americans could see English riding needs a lot more skill and riding ability than western! Also i wish you's could drop it, like the whole subject all together for once! Honestly its a silly question... and remember not all riders are the same and are doing the same stuff! Plus theres international riders "clinging on" so whos right them or you? HMMM!??

Who agrees? What do you think ?




  1. "I wish you americans could see English riding needs a lot more skill and riding ability than western!"

    EXCUSE ME? I am an "American" and I ride "English" but I am not so prejudiced to think that I am so much better than someone. English vs Western have their pros and cons and who are you to be insulting someone else's choice? Talk about rude!

    The person who originally posted the question was no worse than you. Of course no one wants to fall off - you get DQ'ed if you hit the ground! But do you need to be so rude when stating your opinion? I wish you could "thumbs down" a question!!

  2. Simple answer really

    Because we CAN.

    There is no horn or bars on an English saddle...we CAN lean forward and hang on.

    Western HAS a horn to grab.

    Hmmm - I've seen lots of western riders hanging on to that horn in speed classes...

    Instinct makes ALL riders hang on to what they can...

    Western VS English? Please! We ALL ride bareback.

  3. i have nothing against english riders and i have ridden western since i was 3 years old (now 43),heck i even went to the Spanish riding school in Vienna for three weeks to learn their training methods to improve myself as a rider and trainer.english riding requires no more skill than it does to ride western but i also don't see english riders roping off of their horses.i have worked with several people who ride different styles of riding and they all say the same thing"riding a horse is riding a horse and it doesnt matter what you do on that horse,it is still called horse riding"as for coming off a horse,unless you want a long walk home you had better hold on to the reins if you come off.

  4. ACTUALLY I am a rider, who has been riding for 10 years, I have seen more than my fair share of falls, and actually about a month ago I was riding my 3 year old quarter horse, and he saw a herd of cows, which caused him to scare & in his process (since he isnt completely balanced yet) he fell over on top of my, I now have 5 cracked ribs, my right shoulder's rotator cuff is completely torn & I dislocated my knee so badly that they had to wait 2 days for the swelling to go down so they could put it back in place.  So there you go, i am not a sissy, I just dont get WHY people feel the need to hang on when its a fall! I never hang on...yeh it hurts but ohh well, your horse should be your priority...not whether you are gonna get a boo-boo....ohh and i deleted it cuz yeh it was useless...i just saw that video and was appalled... AND I'm Canadian...NOT American

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