
Why cant everybody be a vegetarian and save the earth?

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Why cant everybody be a vegetarian and save the earth?




  1. The thing about vegetarianism is, it's not for everyone.  I was one for a long time.  It would do a lot of good if people ate less meat or more environmentally-friendly meat, or more people were vegetarian.  But not everyone is ready or willing to cut meat out of their diet altogether.  It's a bigger step for most people than you probably imagine.

  2. God gave us animals for food. Sure, not for clothing but for food. He sent quail to His people to catch and eat. He made them to eat and to help the earth. Even if we didn't, the earth still wouldn't be saved over a few animals.

  3. some people are too ignorant to care, sadly :(

    and yes people, vegetarianism DOES help save the planet... takes 2500 gallons of water to produce 1 edible pound of beef. OR

    49 gallons of water to produce 1 edible pound of apples.

    --one acre of prime land can produce 250 pounds of beef. OR

    one acre of land can produce 30,000lbs of apples.

    --Americans could feed 100,000,000 people by reducing their meat intake by just 10%.

    (Students Vegetarian Cookbook,by Carole Raymond)

    OBVIOULSY...."Dinosaur" below me, didnt read my sources. I very badly want to be a vegetarian CHEF and I would NEVER "bararde" anyone with significance of meat...I would most likely do the opposite :)

  4. why would this save the earth?

  5. eating vegetables will do nothing to save the earth, at the rate we are going.

    plus the more vegetables other people eat, the less for me.

  6. i dont know. it wouldnt save the earth but it would help.

  7. There are many ignorant people and many are uneducated in animal cruelty/rights and don't make the connection between how the animal got to their plate and that world hunger could be prevented,the ozone not depleted...and so on.I have high hopes though

  8. I'm not sure that would save the Earth but I think people enjoy food too much to care what it is.

  9. Because th cow population would boom out of control and their methane farts would pollute the atmosphere so badly that then the plants would be unable to grow, causing us all to starve to death.

  10. It is tough to persuade people without them yelling at you about imposing beliefs and bullcr#p like that.  It's ok.  veggyism is rising steadily.  11%of p*****n girls are vegetarian now.  It is only a matter of time.

    btw, don't EVER say anything near that around a chef they will barrage you with the history and nutrition and significance of meat, and every culturally valuable dish that would be annihilated with the spread of vegetarianism.

  11. people in the world are set in their ways, and afraid of change.

  12. Man is the only animal that can remain on friendly terms with the victims he intends to eat until he eats them.  ~Samuel Butler, Note-Books, 1912

    You put a baby in a crib with an apple and a rabbit.  If it eats the rabbit and plays with the apple, I'll buy you a new car.  ~Harvey Diamond

    If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian.  ~Paul McCartney

    How can you eat anything with eyes?  ~Will Kellogg

    The beef industry has contributed to more American deaths than all the wars of this century, all natural disasters, and all automobile accidents combined.  If beef is your idea of "real food for real people" you'd better live real close to a real good hospital.  ~Neal Barnard

    As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields. - Leo Tolstoy

    Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.  ~Albert Einstein

  13. Because if animals dont eat what they are supposed to (humans are omnivores remember?) eat then it would cause the food chain to crash.If we dont eat animal X then they would be more animal Xs to eat more of animal Y which may cause animal Y to be extinct and then animal X would become extinct also,since there is no more of animal Y to be eaten.So by being vegetarians we would cause a lot of animals to become extinct.

  14. A.  The money-hungry greed of the meat, dairy, and egg industry.

    B.  The lies that the meat industry feeds us.

    C.  People who don't care what they eat and have no idea how it got to their plates.

    D.  People's selfishness.

    F.  People's apathy for other living things.

    G.  People thinking that they "need" meat.

    H.  People who do know about the meat industry who are too lazy to work out a better diet.

    I.  People thinking that they can't be healthy as a vegetarian.

    J.  The fact that there is so little vegetarian food available at restaurants, especially fast food places.

    K.  People using the Bible as a reason to justify eating meat.  Jesus only ever ate fish and actually advocates a vegetarian lifestyle in the bible.

    L.  People using our place on the food chain as a reason to eat meat.  We are omnivores and don't have to eat meat.  

    M.  People thinking that the Earth would be overrun with animals if we don't eat them.  Animals wouldn't be bred for food anymore, so there would be much less animals.  Think of the species we don't eat.  They don't overrun the Earth.

    N.  People think they will be made fun of if they are vegetarian, which is true to a point...but that's only because of people's ignorance.  I don't live my life for other people.  I live it for myself.

    O.  People say we have to eat meat because our teeth are pointy.  Well, I hate to break it to them, but our teeth aren't that pointy.  We are capable of ripping flesh with our teeth, but not raw flesh.  We are the only animals that need to have our meat cooked so we can eat it.

    P.  People think it's more expensive to eat vegetarian meals and snacks.  It's not.  With a little careful planning and a really good grocery list you can really save money at the grocery store.

    Q.  People don't want to put farmers and other meat industry workers out of work.  A lot of people lost their jobs when slavery was outlawed.  They found new jobs.  If everyone was vegetarian there would be more jobs available in the vegetarian food industry.

    R.  People don't tend to see vegetarian men as manly or strong.  I think it shows a man's strength when he chooses not to cause animals to suffer.  My husband is great in Karate and he can lift as much as the next guy.

    S.  Parent's get upset a lot when their children want to go vegan.  They just don't understand and should do some research before they ridicule their kids or refuse to let them stop eating meat.

    T.  People want to be like everyone else and to fit in.

    U.  People say animals kill other animals for food, why shouldn't I?  We don't need to...That's why.

    V.  People say if everyone went vegetarian that a lot of animals would never get the chance to be born.  That's true, but it is probably better not to be born of you are going to live a miserable life and die a horrible death.

    W.  People don't know what farm animals lives are really like.<== is a great website for people to see what really goes on.

    X.  People think just because they didn't kill the animal that it's not their fault and there is nothing they can do.  Every time you buy or consume meat, you sentence another animal to die.  It's called demand and supply.

    Y.  People think that animals shouldn't have rights.  I completely disagree.  All animals deserve to live full happy lives.  They are not just for us to eat.

    Z.  People go vegetarian and give up because they aren't healthy.  Vegetarianism is not a hobby or something you do without knowing the facts.  You need to research and plan.  It took me a while to get everything right.  I finally did and it was important that I didn't give up.

  15. It would be nice, but not everyone shares the same beliefs and values. All we can do is our part. Every little bit helps!

  16. God gave us animals to eat. I agree on the save the earth part. Probaby because their too lazy to get up and pick up trash in their local park.

  17. then there would be so many animals then they would eat us

    if people were so worried about the earth then they would not drive (fumes hurt the ozone)

    and would not use cleaning supplies, bug spray, and the list goes on and on ~!!!!

  18. I agree with helping to save the earth but why should people have to stop eating meat? Why doe'nt eveyone stop driving cars, stop flying, stop buying clothes?

  19. Because being a vegetarian will not save the earth.  It may not even be healthy, but if that's your choice, I won't tell you what to eat.

    If you want to save the earth, try being a little more tolerant and caring of others instead of trying to dictate your beliefs on them.

    Remember, Hitler was a vegetarian and he didn't have much tolerance for others either.

  20. If we raised bugs instead of cow and pigs and chicken (etc) we could save the earth that way and people who ate meat could still eat meat and vegetarians could still be vegetarians, eh?

  21. y wont ppl stop imposing their will on other ppl. The fact that u r vegeterian and its good for u doesnt mean its good for someone else. Another man's meat is another man's poison. Being vegetarian doesnt save the earth, if everyone started eating veggies all the time then the amount of vegetation will decrease(i know u might say plant more vegetation but who has ever done that). Arent we already using vegetation for some things e.g furniture etc but yet ppl say "deforestation blah blah"

    Im not aginst saving the earth and vegetarians but lets be realistic, humans always find problems and negatives with everything we do. its just that we havent all become vegetarian but if we all did, give it 2 months and something would come up....

    If we dont eat animals we would be tempering with nature, animals are supposed to be eaten to balance up nature, if after all not eating animals was saving the earth, y didnt God make lions vegetarians

  22. Because there has been the lie spread that you have to eat meat to live.  Where does it ever say that God made animals for man to eat?  I would give $5000 to the first one that can show me that one cash money.  Go to Genesis and you will find the original diet for man was fruit and nuts with veggies added after the fall.  Then nobody still ate any meat till after the flood when God said it was not good for man to live so long and there was no vegetation then either so God let man begin to eat meat and the age men died fell through the floor.  In just a few centuries you could not find a man that was even 150 years old, much less 700 to 900.  If everyone went to be a vegetarian, animals would go back to being left alone or being pets rather than being lunch and there would be no more big ranches and so much pollution from the feedlots as we have now.  There would be more room for the veggies to grow and less animals to eat it and then us get the second hand protein that comes from them.  There would be no more doctors as there would be no use for them any more as all would be so much healthier.  But people are too hard headed and won't admit they could live a better life without the meat and then there are those that grow it just for the money and would have to get something else if that were given up and how many want to do that?  People are just too selfish to want to do what is best for them but want to keep on killing the animals so they can eat their flesh.  Why don't cannibals want to stop their practice?  Same thing, they want that flesh.  One day soon nobody will eat any meat as there will be no more death or killing because Jesus will have come again and taken His own back to be with Him and those that dont' want to live for Him will be the meal that is consumed by the buzzards.  Read it for yourself, it is in the bible.

  23. If everyone on earth was a vegetarian,then what would the omnivorus animals have left to eat? Man would eat all the food. How would that save the earth? Different animals need different diets! You couldnt ask a cat to live on feild greens or it will die. A rabbit cant live on fish. ETC.

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