
Why cant government force people to move to higher ground?

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candymom419. i went to mardi gras one time when i was young and stupid.i got blind stagering drunk for 3-4 days,and past out on your solders monument hill in the middel of 30,000 plus people.

i guess thats a good reason to keep new orleans is to [make money] on stupid visiters get them drunk,offering them [b***s and cheap plastic beads].my problem was in 1976 i did not get to see any b***s and i only got one string of worthles plastic beads for all the money i spent there ...wasting my time ,in a city that makes money on visiters and gives them nothing in return.

as far as im concerned mardi gras is a worthless hedonistic rip off,and should be condemed with the rest of the city.




  1. New Orleans has always been a huge tourist place.  Take that away and Louisiana would lose a lot of money, so it makes sense that the Louisiana powers would want to rebuild it.  They had been "forecasting" something like Katrina years before it actually happened, and no matter where you live you are at risk for natural disasters if all of the right conditions are met.  The risk is a lot lower for some areas, but the risk still exists.  

    I am from Louisiana and I had sympathy for the victims of Katrina but in the same sense I kept thinking...HELLO they told you to get out!  They provided everyone with the opportunity to leave, just like they are doing now with Gustav.  And just like during Katrina, there will be people who stay this time.  

  2. In the United States of America, people do have the choice to live where they want to . . . Under our political system, forcibly relocating that many people would be outrageous, and nobody would stand for it-- and rightfully so.

    As far as political freedoms go, I could build a city underwater if I wanted to... it doesn't mean it's a great idea.

    Would you rather live in a society where the government can tear down your entire village (as happened with the Olympics) or where you can live wherever you want, even if it is in flooding plane?  Really, freedom includes the choice to be utterly stupid.

    Living in New Orleans really isn't a stupid choice, though...  Not leaving during a hurricane?  Uhhh, yeah, stupid.

  3. The Chinese are communist, that is why they are able to do this. Part of living in America is being able to choose where you live. Regardless of your safety, the government can't forcibly move you to a new location.  

  4. The US is a 'free country' - people get to choose where they live within broad dimensions (some places such as national parks are off-limits or harmful to long term habitation).  We fought a lot of wars to guarantee that freedom.  As for sympathy for those who chose to live below sea level in New Orleans - I don't personally have much, but again they get to chose - I should not bear the cost for them to live there through my tax dollars, but other than that, they are allowed to be dumb.  

  5. Well the city officials don't care, they say they do when they want votes.

    But you're right, the Mayor the Governor can all say no more, and rezone the area uninhabitable.

    So either they don't give a c**p about their people, or they are incompetent to know they can do this.

    Yes the government CAN forcibly move you, if safety is a concern, they have to have permision by the state your in, but you have to ask why don't they care.

    But this is a state matter, not one for the federal government.

  6. They can't force people to relocate to higher ground any more effectively than they can force people to leave the west coast. Remember, the "Big One" is expected to be so severe that half of California may fall into the Pacific Ocean. Why not force those folks to move too? How about tornado alley? Let's force all those folks in the midwest to move too.  As for low lying, coastal areas, you would need to force most residents of Florida out of the state. Same with south Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana. How about Galveston and Corpus Christi, Texas? They gotta go too, cause they're coastal cities. Oh, and let's not forget those cities on the east coast. All those wonderful coastal towns along the east coast, move 'em. How about NYC? You know it has been predicted that if a hurricane strikes in that area of the Atlantic, NYC will be devastated. They gotta go too.

    Where on earth do you plan to put all these people that you want to force from their homes? Natural disasters occur all over the world on a regular basis. Look in the mirror and ask yourself how you would like it if the government took your home because it was involved in some natural disaster.

    As for your 4 years in the Coast Guard, thanx for your service. However, no one FORCED you to join up. You volunteered to do this yourself. And I thank you for it.

    Edit: Oh yeah. One more reason the govt. can't and won't relocate the city. The Port of New can't move the Mississippi River.

  7. omg! seriously! Now all of a sudden the rest of the country is an expert on hurricanes just because katrina was on cnn! Just stop! Im tired of hearing this. You just dont move! Not for this! Katrina happened once! It flooded because the levee sys. wasnt where it was supposed to be (governments fault) New Orleans was just fine until then. You should be mad that the government cant take care of there people. Can any of you name one other time New Orleans flooded like that? huh?  No, but i bet you can remember the last time you came to mardi gras and showed your b***s for beads. We are smart people down here. We are jusst used to hurricanes. I couldnt fathom living where there are earthquakes but some people prefer those to hurricanes. Look, people are totally freakin out, its understandable, i know. But, if NOLA did not flood three years ago, none of yall would pay this much attention to hurricane season.  I can not believe a citizen of this country is suggesting they kick us out of the south! OMG! "parents dont let there children touch hot stoves"! LMFAO! This country would not be the same without the southern coast! Do your homework. and you know whats really sick? everyone who says how stupid we are for living here, are the same people who are gonna be glued to cnn just so they can get a glimpse of the destruction! Enjoy the show!

    oh and by the way. some people in the south, actually live in brick houses and have generators. we have walmarts here to buy water and batteries, oh, and gas stations  thats where we buy gas, to put in these things we have down here, we like to call them vehicles. We use them to evacuate if we have too. Oh, and amazingly enough if a fence falls down, well, we also have something called insurance, we pay out the *** for it, but it comes in handy. geesh!

  8. Yes, I think we should always have empathy for people no matter how foolish they are.  We're all stupid in one way or another  :-)

    However, I also think you're right.  It makes no sense to build cities (or rebuild cities) in natural disaster zones.  

    The idea that we are free to live wherever we choose to (because we live in a democracy) is complete balderdash.  I can't choose to live on Ayres rock, or in a National Park.  Neither can I build my house on the site of a rubbish dump.  Zoning laws apply.  People also get forced from their homes when the authorities choose to build roads.  So, what is stopping them from rezoning or resuming New Orleans (etc)?

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