
Why cant hillary clinton stop her sillery shes cramping up politics as usual?

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Why cant hillary clinton stop her sillery shes cramping up politics as usual?




  1. it's not about politics any more it's all about Hillary winning that's all that matters to her I wish she would give it up go home and get some rest how much more of this can she take ? or better yet how much more can the rest of us take

  2. Hillary doesn't have an "off" switch when it comes to getting her way.

  3. Chandru M is crazy, We don't need an electable person in the White House. Hillary has insisted she is the stronger candidate because she can beat McCain. Do the math. People who are true Dem's that vote in the primary for their candidate vote for the nominee. Hillary is a Clinton and Bill and her were hoping for another eight years. Not Today. Look how silly people really are they put a actor in the white house (Regan), (Schwarzenegger) governor. Obama is a change and most definitely a threat to many who believe in the same old American way.!!!

  4. She is proving to be "the Great Divider."  She is power hungry, first and foremost.  The more I see her in action, the greater my desire for an Obama presidency.  He is a class act.

  5. Hillary is doing this for the sake of this stupid party, who are so hung up on electing the flavor of the month, Mr. Barak Obaba. She may not win, but through this process at least she is highlighting the ignorance which many people still have in our nation, and how unprepared we all are to deal with the issues at hand. Barak Obama will not be the savior everyone is making him out to be. She is trying to make sure that we the people can understand this. In this argument she does make a serious point. She is more electable!

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