
Why cant i , as a non muslim , visit mecca as a tourist ?

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why not? i can visit jerusalem the holy city for the jews

i can visit vatician , holy city for catholics

etc etc...........why not mecca ?




  1. The rest of the world should take note..... MUSLIMS NOT ALLOWED. WHY?? BECAUSE WE SAY SO!

  2. You can.

    But make sure to leave a will for you family before you go.

  3. jerusalem is a christian muslim jews dont have anything to do with it tey are just killing jerusalem is one of our muslim holy place home of our prophet jesus and the in_jeel [the bible]

    which we believe in

  4. Non Muslims were banned from entering Mecca in sura 9 after they cheated the muslims and tried to kill them.

    According to muslims, the Quran is for all times. If muslims allow you to go there now, this could be a violation to that verse and they are afraid of doing so.

    I hope you will be able to visit it soon. I think the Saudis should change some of there stupid and none sense rules and catch up with the rest of the world.

    I am Muslim


  5. Maybe because the Muslims see it as a holy place for the faithful and not a tourist attraction.

    Interestingly, you are right that as a tourist you can go to Jerusalem and go into the temple of the rock, but I believe that Jews can't. Quite surprising that the Israelis are ok about this. I'd have thought they'd have got rid of the dome straight away.

  6. Pretty much everyone who I have talked to that is actually from Medina has said the same thing.  It is a religious thing and it's crowded anyway.  Who cares...if you are not Muslim, there is nothing there for you.  It's unfortunate, but it is what it is.

    Just don't take what these people say seriously.  Like this clown that said, "Because you are not a Muslim. Kaffirs are not allowed in our holy city, Mecca. Jews are specifically banned from Muslim countries. There is a difference between us and Jews. We are Muslims."  Well...I"m a Jew and I have been to several Muslim countries, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iraq, Pakistan and Jordan.  I also see it hard for Jews to be banned from these countries if there is a relatively high concentration of Jews in all of these countries.  You people are idiots.  I try to be nice...but lack of education among the masses makes it  really difficult.

  7. Because all non-muslims are barred from Mecca. Isn't that discriminating against people becuase of their religion (or lack of)?

  8. You do know that there is a Saudi Section right below this one right...?

  9. It's a place of worship and only for people who are believers. As its holy land and is pure, non muslims cannot enter it.

  10. well look at what the  "non-Muslims" are doing to the Islamic Holy site in Jerusalem, the Dome of the Rock, they're digging under it! so to prevent destruction to any more holy places..."non-Muslims" aren't allowed in Mecca or Medina.

  11. Becausethe Qur'an bans non Muslims from entering Makkah, as well as Medina.

  12. Firstly it is so busy with Muslim pilgrims that you would have difficulty finding accommodation. It is booked years in advance.

    You can visit if you can prove you are a student or journalist.

  13. ????? jerusalem holy city for jews?

    umm i hope you know that us muslims used to pray to mesjid al aksa.

    ok now to answer ur question, it is soooo crowded in ther, that there isnt even enough room for muslims. this is a holy place to do hajj and prayer, not a tourist sight.

    though it is really beautiful.

  14. Because they will stone you.

  15. I totally agree with pammy. If Mecca doesn't let you in try Gala Bingo? My mum goes sometimes and says its a good night out.

  16. coz you have really poor geography skills;)

  17. Jerusalem is the city for the Jews?..anyway..You can visit Saudi as long as you don't have an Israel stamp in your passport, that includes Mecca. As you know Israel is not getting along so well with Arab lands these days. About visiting the Kaaba(house of God) why would you want to if you're not muslim? You want to pray with the mases and walk around it 7 times. Hard to buy. Actually some have done it, I knew a woman once at the time of Hajj, who wrote down on the visa app. that she was Muslim and yes she was granted a visa that allowed her to enter the Kaaba as well. (She was from Norway) Best of luck and happy travels. Cheers!

  18. Because of the nature of true Islam. You do know that Islam is the most accepting religion, right? It is, after all, a religion of peace and harmony. :)))

  19. Because you're not welcome.  That's their prerogative.  I doubt you're missing much.

  20. cuz ppl suck

  21. Ok well how many Jews are actually practicing and devout?  same goes for catholics.  I'm pretty sure if they followed the bible to a tee, they wouldnt find anything condoning the molestation of children.  Mecca is very important to muslims.  All muslims (who are financially able) have to go there.  Out of all the religions, people who say they are muslims, usually follow their rules.  How would a devout jew feel if I went to his temple dressed in shorts and a tank top with my digital camera while he and everyone else are trying to pray?  People in mecca are on the trip of their lifef (in their view) and to hav some cheap tourist expolit that is offensive.

    Unbiased atheist.

    And to tjhe person above me saying that Mecca / Muslims practices apartheid, what the jell do you call the separation wall in Israel? A picket fence for decoration?

  22. Question: Why are only Muslims allowed to visit the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia?

    Answer: Mecca and Madinah are cities of great importance in Islamic tradition -- centers of pilgrimage and prayer, sacred places where Muslims are free from the distractions of daily life. The ban on non-Muslim visitors is mentioned in the Qur’an as follows: "Oh you who believe! Truly the idolaters are unclean; so let them not, after this year, approach the Sacred Mosque...." (9:28). This verse specifically refers to the Grand Mosque in Mecca; later scholars have included Madinah in this ruling as well. There are some Islamic scholars who would permit exceptions to this general rule, for trade purposes or for people who are under treaty permission. There is also some debate about the exact area and borders of the restricted area(s). The government of Saudi Arabia, which controls access to the holy sites, has decided upon a strict ban on both cities in their entirety.

    Restricting access to Mecca and Madinah is intended to provide a place of peace and refuge for Muslim believers and preserve the sanctity of the holy cities. At this time, millions of Muslims visit the cities each year, and additional tourist traffic would simply add to the congestion and detract from the spirituality of the pilgrimage visit.

  23. Why not try another bingo hall if Mecca isn't letting you in.

  24. Discrimination, my dear Watson.


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