
Why cant i catch up to dermitirs helicopter in gta 4 ?

by  |  earlier

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i did it the first 5 times i tried the mission but now it wont let me go fast enough to catch up to him PLEASE help its making P.O ed




  1. tilt your chopper forward and it will go faster ... also search on youtube ... im sure someone has a vid of it

  2. When you reach the jetty, Pegorino escapes in a speedboat. Get on the Sanchez, stick to the coastline and begin chasing Pegorino. You don't need to go at top speed, but don't go too slow either or Pegorino will get away. Eventually, a chopper arrives carrying Jacob and Roman, and you need to accelerate off the Jetty to get on to the chopper. Climb onto the chopper, stay close to Pegorino, and begin firing miniguns at his boat (don't descend the chopper too quickly or you'll end up in the water!).

    Eventually, Pegorino's boat catches fire. One of his goons fires a rocket towards the chopper, which then also catches fire. Pegorino's boat and the chopper come to a stop on Happiness Island. Begin chasing Pegorino, and kill any cops who get in your way - if you're low on health at this point then it's better to shoot them than ignore them. Follow Pegorino onto the grass below the statue and finish him off. Watch the final cutscene as Niko gets his revenge.     :)ava06

  3. It is a scripted part of this mission, you cannot catch up to his helicopter or shoot it down even if you hit it, just like the car chase when you followed the guys to the casino at the beginning of the mission.

    What you need to do is just stay close to him and don't crash.  You don't have to follow his exact path which includes dangerous passes between buildings, etc. as long as you are not too far from him and he's still on your radar, you can fly higher to avoid most of the buildings.

    Only after you've chased him across Algonquin, then over Broker, then back over Algonquin, Jacob will finally hit Dmitri's chopper, but right after that, Dmitri hits your chopper too, and you both have to make emergency landings on Happiness Island (cut scene).  After you both land, game control goes back to you and you have to chase down Dmitri and gun him down.

    Tip for that is to focus on chasing Dmitri rather than shooting any bad guys or cops who will be shooting at you.  If you slow down to kill a few of them, don't take too long, just catch up to Dmitri's red dot on your radar, and shoot him until he's nearly dead and the final cut scene takes over, then you're done!

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