
Why cant i connect to my internet?!?

by  |  earlier

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i have a d link router, WBR-1310 and i cant connect to my intenet. i have a windows vista gateway and everytime i try to connect all i get is limited connectivty. anyone help?




  1. You can try to pull the power cord out of the router wait 60 - 90 seconds, then power it up again.  Wait for all the lights to cycle through.  You will know it has cycled when you have steady green lights.  If that doesn't wait you can go to the back of the router w/ a open paperclip or something similar and hit the reset button.  This will bring the router back to the original factory settings including the log on name/password.  If that still doesn't work you need to call your ISP and have them troubleshoot your router.

  2. um try unpluging your router and modem then plug your modem in wait 15 sec and plug your router in

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