
Why cant i cook bacon in the microwave?

by  |  earlier

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as of yet,its not killed me.or maybe i'm gonna die in a few

i cook it for 2 mines 32 or (2 min)33 seconds.and tastes so good.

and will it kill you to actually read the question?instead of giving me 'advice' i already know about?

example:Put a layer or two of paper towel on a microwave safe plate, layer with bacon add another layer of paper towels, cook on med heat for 3 to 4 min. depending on what texture u enjoy your bacon.

Duh!i am not stupid.just i saw on the pack for once it says not to




  1. If you micro wave is big enough of course you can get in there and fry bacon. Why not?

  2. If you microwave bacon that is supposed to be cooked by stove top it will become soggy and gross. Some bacon however is for the microwave because it is already cooked you just need to heat it up.

  3. When microwaving bacon, we use a microwave rack to keep the rashers

    out of their juices, then with scrambled eggs you can't tell the difference.

  4. I never do  mine in micro,    grill it   . I got a combi,  that is  micro,  grill and oven   ..   Bacon grilled is the best    

  5. Walmart sells a special ribbed dish especially for cooking bacon in the microwave . it keeps the bacon out of the grease and it browns actually quite well .. after cooking remove bacon and wipe out grease with a  singlr paper towel  no sloppy dripping  paper towels oozing with grease trying to make it to the trash can this way ...Try it you'll like it  by the way never heard of warnings not to cook bacon in microwave Of course I have heard all microwave cooking is bad for us over the years but not especially bacon .. but I do not really use my microwave other than  for defrosting and warming things up although I have used my  microwave bacon dish occasionally, especially while we were traveling  in a motor home

  6. Get one of those griddle type dishes to put in the microwave.  I always tend to over cook so the bacon goes rock hard but you should be able to turn down the wattage so it will cook properly

  7. Hey if you like the flavor go for it i have done the same thing a few times but here is a nice little microwave bacon rack you may want to check out.

    Less Mess

  8. Theoretically, you should be able to. Microwave ovens work by the microwaves heating up fats and water. And since bacon contains a lot of these, it should be able to.

    My guess is it's just the company getting ready to cover their backs in case you get food poisoning or something.

    Otherwise put two paper towels on a microwave plate then the bacon, spread out evenly, then another sheet on top. Depending on how much you put in it should take about four minutes.

  9. I microwave my bacon.

    My mum has this plastic thing that is especially designed to cook bacon in the microwave. It's great because all the fat and nasty **** drips out of the bacon as it cooks and it tastes so much better =)

    I want some bacon now....

  10. Well, i have had it microwaved hundreds of times and so has my family, none of us have suffered any ill effects. My Mum still has her microwave recipe book from her first microwave (early 80s) and it shows you how to microwave bacon??  My Dad wont have his bacon any other way, and he has has his beloved "bacon butties" a few mornings a week!!

  11. I've got a big dish, and it has a matching plate full of slots and it sits on top of that dish, and slices of bacon are placed on that and done in the microwave. This allows all the excess water (!) and fat to come out of the bacon and it crisps-up nicely.

    It's called a microwave bacon fryer........

    So much for the pack telling you not to microwave - probably they're afraid some idiot won't take it out of the packet first ! ! !

  12. you can & you can buy a special browning dish so that the bacon browns whilst in the microwave...comes out quite nice.

  13. how strange, if you enjoy it that way then keep on cooking it that way, i have never heard anything like that, and i know a few people who cook it like that, not that i would, i like my crispy not rubbery :P but hey you like so keep going

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