
Why cant i eat my food?

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i cant eat hardly anything every time i eat i feel sick and want u no wot number 2, iam 20 yrs old healthy and exerise, can some1 please give me sum advise that would be great x




  1. well the more you dont eat, the smaller your stomach becomes. i recommend that you make yoruself eat anyways to stay healthy.  

  2. Don't delay... see a doctor - this is not normal.

  3. you may be getting anorexia

  4. maybe you should see a doctor

  5. Could be pregnant...Or have you recently been put onto any medication?  

  6. There are hospitals for those problems not yahoo????? whats wrong with you!@!@!@!!

  7. depends on the kind of food your trying to eat

    some foods can make you very gassy

    and maybe that's why u feel like your going to get sick

  8. Lucky you! Kidding.

    Are you happy with your weight...sounds like you have a tummy bug, pregnant or you have a form of AN. Sometimes people with anorexia want to eat, but feel sick, hate their image, and feel uncomfortable when they eat, but they normally come from a country where food is not easily accesable. Like a third world country. Not Uk or USA where we see food everywhere and abstain from fear of obesity, and thinking we are over weight when typically they are no

    Go to the docs. If nothing is physically the problem, then psychological?

    Or crones? EEEK Go to the doc!

  9. sounds like your sick.

    like three of my friends had the same problem. i guess it was going around.

    and my one friend lost like five pounds in a week or so because of it.

    go to the doctors.

  10. I didn't eat much at that age and used too pass out sometimes. idk it'll pass but try adding more salt or sugar.

  11. Has this just randomly started? You could be pregnant, or have you been on new medication? You could speak to you GP about it, or gradually start with a small amount of your favourite food!

    Chocolate ect y'know?

  12. yeah learn to spell for a start

  13. there is something not right go and see your GP in the morning  

  14. Maybe its some sort of bug?

    I'd go to your doctor if it carries on.

    I get that occasionaly, but after some sleep it goes away and I get my appetite back.

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