
Why cant i ever go to sleep

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when its night time i'm sleepy or tired why cant i go to sleep




  1. Don't know.  I have the same problem.  Could stay awake all nite if I didn't take something.  Doctor prescribed 10 mg. Ambien & I take 1/3 of one 1/2 hour before I want to fall asleep.  It works & when I wake up in the middle of the nite to go potty, I can go right back to sleep.

    Feels like a miracle!  Good luck!

  2. Needs to be more info.

    Usually if you can't go to sleep you are thinking too much.  Or maybe too much caffeine before bed.  Or maybe not enough fresh air and sunshine during the day.  Take a walk at lunch.  High protein in the evening sometimes keeps you awake.  Try eating pasta for dinner.

  3. this usually means you are stressed and have too much things going on in your head. you need to relax before bed try having a nice warm bath, then as soon as your dry n dressed get your self straight into bed with a cup of horlicks or hot chocolate and then read a book for an hour or so, or just until u start to forget about all your problems. this works for me when I'm stressed.  

  4. Try drinking milk or eating rice before going to bed, both contain melatonin, a natural sleeping aid, which help you sleep better. From

  5. Natural remedies include warm milk, melatonin, valerian, 5-HTP and others that you can find in a web search for "natural sleep remedies".

  6. when ur trying to sleep

    forget abt everythinngg

    & just relaxx .

    think abt something good

    dat happened during the day

    somethin that made u happy

    as long as its soemthin that

    didn't stress u out

    dont think abt tomorrow

    just relaax .

    hope this helps =]

    or u kno

    i fall asleep listen to music

    any type of music

    i just love it

    it calms me down

    gets me "unstressed"

    & i fall asleep

    or u can read a book

    or magazine

    or jsut stare at the ceiling

    or wutevers above ur head

    fer a while

    good luck


    good night =]

  7. what i do is listen to soft music, very soft, then i relax get in a comfy position and think about the best thing that happend that day.. or something fun that happen.. or anything besides something bad.

    it works, or drink some milk, or something,goodluck

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