
Why cant i ever make a volleyball team??

by  |  earlier

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I have been trying out at my middle school, but i cant make the team. I play for a local ymca and my coach their says that i am the best one that plays for the ymca so she put me up to the older age group but i cant seem to make the volleyball team at my school. What can i do better???




  1. honestly just continue to practice.  It can never hurt to invite your coach down to your ymca games, maybe he/she will have a better opinion of you then.

  2. Keep practicing!

  3. make sure ur playing as hard as u can. sometimes it can be difficult though because i know that some coaches can choose favorites.  just show the coach you really want to play and you are a good player.  i myself am a pretty good pplayer i think but i hardly get to play because my coach likes the really tall girls or her favorites who have went to the school for a long time.grrr....well don't give up.  keep pushing your abilities and you should make the team sometime! good luck!

  4. You know what!!!! Middle schools never seem to see the real talent in Volleyball players!!!! They seem to have their favorits and that is pretty much it!!! I had almost the same problem I tried out for the teams and made them but i never played!!!! Now I am going to be a freshmen in High School!!! i did the summer league and they give out letters saying if you amde the team for the school year or not!!!. It turns out that i made it and i may even be considered for the JV team instead of just the fresh/sophmore team!!!! So to answer your question. Keep doing what you are doing and Im sure that when the time comes for you to play in upper leagues youll make it big!!! I hope this helps but anyway have fun playing!!!

  5. Well I didn't make any volleyball teams until highschool! But I kept trying, and I trained hard! And now in high school I get a lot of playing time so just keep practicing, traing, and give it your all!

  6. Find a time when the coach of the school team is not busy (before school, after school, during a free period) and ask them if you may speak to them in private. When you get a chance to speak, do so respectfully. Do not whine, criticize, beg, bribe or anything else. Simply ask if the coach has some pointers for you to make you more likely to make the team. And if the team has already been chosen for the year, ask if you could be manager this year (you can use the time to study what the coach prefers from the team members and possibly you could help out with practice- being a partner to any other member during drills).

  7. try out for an offseason JO team so you can improve over the off season and next year you'll be sure to make it

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