
Why cant i find a boyfriend who doesnt cheat?

by Guest63270  |  earlier

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why cant i find a boyfriend who doesnt cheat? the past 3 relationships ive had with 3 totally different type of guys cheat on me. i know im attractive ( i used to model) , ive never cheated, i dont treat guys like c**p...what am i doing wrong. im not in HS either im 24..

the thing is this current boyfriend wants to cheat on me, deny it and still stay with me...but then he tells me things that im not good enough, that i never want to do anything, that i dont show can i do all this when he keeps cheating? how can i show affection being angry inside, knowing hes a cheater??

i feel so depressed, this is a serious question.. my current bf i have been with for 4 years and we have a child together and im currently pregnant with his second..what is wrong with me?

there is a couple people that are actually interested in seeing me but i obviouly havent now bc im pregnant... i feel scared to date other people bc i have 2 children and i feel like im jsut going to get hurt agian and im not the type that wants all different types of men around my kids.

please no smart comments, this is serious question..




  1. First of all you need to find a guy that is caring, and then you have to be with him long  enough that he does care before you are b/f and g/f, or he will cheat. GOOD LUCK  


  3. I feel that people who cheat are cowards. Instead of having the strength to communicate and getting to the root of the problem or ending the relationship they take a very cowardly approach. I have been cheated on too and in my experience I was with men who never saw their own faults or contributions to the problem but would just point out the negatives, which they blamed on me. WHen he's saying you're not good enough, what he's saying is that he is a failure. WHen he says you don't show affection, he's saying he wants affection from you. He is obviously a narcissist by putting the blame on you rather then seeing how this all came about. If you feel that you can never forgive him, or that he will continue his cheating ways, then I'd leave. Focus on the most important thing.......which is you and your children. Do what is best for you, which in turn will be the best for them. WHy do you want to be with someone that hurts you or disrespects you? Trust me there are good guys out there, you just have to get in the right mindset to start attracting the right guy. I would honestly recommend not even thinking about dating but rather getting yourself situated and being in a non-stressful environment. You are pregnant. You should be feeling beautiful, healthy, with a man who loves and adores you. I know its hard being where you're at but it doesnt have to be this way. I know you cant see it right now........but there can and will be happier days ahead...........good luck

  4. Most people cheat when they go looking for something they are not getting. You need to take a long hard look at yourself and the way you relate to your bf and see what he is needing that you are not providing.

  5. Men have the tendency to cheat due to a low self-worth, and use s*x as an opportunity to boost their ego.  That said, finding a man who is strong willed emotionally, prior to finding out anything physically, may be a stepping stone.  


  6. yor too nice grow a thicker skin. leave this loser.(it will happen ) be independent as best you can. the right one will show.

  7. You should be married to him for that matter and you should dump him but then make him pay child support.

    I don't know but you got urself in quite a pickle.

  8. There is nothing wrong with allowed this person convince you that you are not good enough, that was a mistake.  I don't know you, but I give people the benefit of the doubt always first, they can lose their good standing later.  People who cheat are really cold people.  As mad as I am at my GF right now, I won't cheat on her.  If she cheated on me, I don't think I would ever trust again.  You have put yourself in an irreversible position, but now your children are your priority.  Don't let this person disrespect you anymore.  He will have to be in your life to raise your children, but that doesn't mean you have to be disrespected on the level you are on forever.  Once a cheater...always a cheater!

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