
Why cant i find a girl who thinks this music is amazing.........?

by  |  earlier

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  1. i think ur looking for girls in the wrong place. look in music stores, concerts, any place that deals with music.

  2. maybe because its c**p

  3. I like this song and I like the verve. You're just looking in the wrong places, why don't you go to clubs that play indie or to gigs.

    But hypothetically, if you met someone really nice and they were perfect then would it matter if they didn't like the verve?

    I quite like that me and my boyfriend have some differences like that, its nice to be able to swap ipods and listen to something you wouldn't normally or hear a different point of view.  

  4. really. I hate it when guys are into this bullcrap. we don't give a f***. ps: it doesn't make you cool either.

  5. Um I'm not sure I think the only Verve song I like is bittersweet symphony, that's the Verve right??

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