
Why cant i get a copy of the bible code 111 the quest by micheal brosnin?

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the third of his books




  1. Don't waste your money.

  2. Is he a christian.....

    i'm not sure but if you hve found a man who has unlocked a deeper meaning in the bible, you should tell us.....

    i'm a christian.

    i'll take a guess and ponder if he is a Christian.... well St Paul in the Bible critices the christians and says, you should be on 'Strong Meat'

    not 'Milk'

    Bible study and Christianity is about levels i take it from that, to be basic.

    STRONG MEAT.... have you got Strong Meat in Micheal Brosnins' 'bible code 111'

    Or is it some kind of synthetic version, it looks like meat, tastes meaty, people say  its as good as meat... of course its not, but you can't tell, or not at first anyway, then maybe not for a while, then of course you've been poisoned, unable to vary your diet enough, not actually included the healthy God given Holiness(MEAT) that you should , to protect nurture and cleanse you of such invading poisonouss interference. Then TOO LATE, your talking with friends and you mention something odd, silence at first, they can tell it's odd but you can't.

    A week later, well weeks maybe and thats it again your different you've been changed a new person, HE MADE YOU.......        do it.....

    Ouch... Ouch....

    God help you, the Bible is plenty you need that as a guide, the man is possibly dangerous. Gods teaching/rule in the Bible is to stay away from Fables and Myths. i love that word fables, it's so simple. Fables

    Does Micheal Brosnin write fables?

  3. Hi, Monkey Boy:

    I didn't know Drosnin had another volume, is it listed on the Internet?

    His second edition tells of his attempts to locate two obelisks of lime or sapphire stone on which is a code that will identify our Creator, the maker of our DNA, with Adam being the "original, or template."

    You don't have to excavate to open the two obelisks or monuments as they are listed in Exodus 20 in your Bible.  You can break that code at  Yes, it will identify more than your Creator.

    Shalom, peace in Jesus, Ben Yeshua

  4. Possibly because Drosnin has been shown to be a fraud and the bookshops don't stock him anymore.  He predicted nuclear war in 1997.  

    All prophets are deluded or liars.  

  5. Because it gives the Answer, and we're keeping that a secret from non-Initiates.

    Don't ask again. I've said too much already.

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