
Why cant i get guitar chords to ring out?

by  |  earlier

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all i get specialy on the c chord first finger 2end string first fret and 4th string 2end fret 5th string 3rd fret it seem the flabby skin on my figners causes nothing but muteing and buzzing of the string instead of actualy note rinngs it seem everyday my finger gain more flabby skin why is this ? the flabby skin gets in the way of letting chords that reqiure open strings special string underneath the string i fret




  1. I have fat fingers also. I use the very tips of my fingers.  It takes practice, and it hurt for a little while when I did it ( like a few weeks until I got used to it ) and after a while you will build up calluses on your tips. Look at your fingers from the side on, and you'll see the longest point on them.  Put them directly down on the strings and then bend your hand around - which also cramps my hand, so it's a good idea to flex and stretch your fingers out a little bit until you get used to it.  

    And most importantly, don't get frustrated; just take your time, and do it right.

  2. From what I can make out in your explanation, it seems like you have fat fingers?

    You need to better position your fingers if they don't sound right.

    And... "2nd" has no 'e' in it.

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