
Why cant i have a baby and why do i feel like this?

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im 20 years old with a great boyfriend we have a nice home hes 25 years old.i see all my friends haven babys and they look so happy.and alot is younger than me.having baby showers get to show there babys off on my space and i just see everyone so happy just living there lifes.i just want to have my own kills me everyday not noing if i'll ever be able to have kids and wounder if i wait to long to find out i wont ever have one it will be to late something could be wrong.i no i cant spell and maybe gods just waiting for the wright time.but i no im ready and i no i can take care of it or i wouldnt try to have it and maybe thats just what i want in life im not gonna stop trying no matter what anyone tells me ill do what ever i can im gonna go to osu and see if they can help me or some where that gos by my income im about to get a health card so i should be good i no im gonna get it ..this is what me and my boyfriendnd wants dont write me nothing that ant gonna help i cant stres




  1. You are still very young. Don't worry. :O)

    In order to be happy having children you have to be able to support them in every way. That means you have to be set emotionally, physcially, have all your finances in order, and be able to support yourself. That means you need to meet the right person, build a loving household, and then have a baby.

    Trust me, without those things, you will only feel more miserable because you brought a baby into a situation the baby can't take care of.

    Take care and it will happen for you :O)

    Good luck!

  2. It will happen when it is right for you

  3. Don't feel bad.  You probably have years of fertility ahead of you.  I know you're going to do what you wan't, but consider all the things you can do without kids, and try to be happy while you don't have any--enjoy yourself alone, and when the time comes, you'll have gotten all the non-parent fun out of the way, and plus, that'll give you more time to make sure you have EVERYTHING in order.

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