
Why cant i insert data in front of table tag?

by  |  earlier

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i designed my webpage in following form




all of them are made from table tags.

my problem is if i m inserting some text in front of menu table. it is starting after the table ends. i want to start writing text from the first line where the table starts, so that the table is in its place and text also like this:-


menu----------- text should start from here


my coding for menu part is:-

<table width="200" height="111" border="1">


<td><p><li><a href=''>Home</font></a></li></p>

<p><li><a href='form.php'>ParwanMail</a></li></p>

<p><li><a href='regis.php' title='register yourself now'>Registration</a></li></p>

<p><li><a href='showuser.php'>Showuser</a></li></p...

text is here

pls help me in this..




  1. Your first mistake is that you use a table for layout. W3C itself advises people not to....

    Use DIVs, instead, and learn how to use either floats or relative positioning in CSS.

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