
Why cant i let my self get attached???

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basically im 18 and struggling to get close to someone i really like, we was friends for ages and finally now we are sort of in a relationship, well we do things just friends wouldnt. even though we are technically very close, i still cnt seem to feel totally attached or trust him the way he does with me. i dont kno if it is because of past experiences with past relationships or what its really bugging me. We havnt had s*x or anything yet and hez not pushy at all, he hasnt even mentioned it but like even when he kisses me sometimes i push him away..its almost like i cnt be bothered for a relation any one ever felt like this or can help??




  1. It happens sometimes.  You can be real close with someone, but just not have any chemistry.   If I were you, I'd tell him this if you aren't feeling a connection and would rather just stay friends.  He may really like you, but if you don't tell him, you would just be leading him on, which isn't right.  There's nothing wrong with you for feeling like this.  It just happens sometimes.   You either have physical chemistry or you don't.  I don't think you can't really obtain it if you've already tried this much.   I know other people who were friends and then dated found it awkward before, too.  

  2. Some people are just better of friends. And if this is the case just let him know how you feel exactly. Talk to him about it and see what his intake is on this.  

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