
Why cant i o****m regularly?

by  |  earlier

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im 14 (male) and only had once orgasms in my life. While i m********e it feels like i need to pee but i try to pee but i dont, is the sign of an o****m coming?

Also any tips and how to increase the chance of achieving an o****m and also how long should i last?




  1. PERHAPS, you might be too young to achieve an o****m, if you are undeveloped this will be the case I guess. at first when i discovered what masturbation was, I wasnt having proper orgasms it came out very liquidy , which i think wasnt sperm. anyway just wait and see what happens, any concerns see a docter

  2. When i was 13 i was playing with myself in the shower and then yes i got that 'i need to pee' feeling but it felt nice, so i kept going and BAM! sperm came out! It took me a couple days to realise what i was actually doing and what it was, i was kind of prouf of myself though because i finally did it! The next day i did it again!


    Just keep trying! You will eventually get it, and that 'pee' feeling is totally normal!  

  3. The first time i came was in a spa bath with my d**k against the water holes, it scared the **** out of me and i jumped out

  4. When you're first starting out, an approaching o****m does kinda feel like the need to pee.  Try to relax and just let it go.  You're body knows what it's doing.

  5. you are still growing dont worry and wait.but if dont rech within 18 u shoud see a doctor

  6. Keep going. I remember the first time i came to it I thought i was gonna pee myself so i ran to the toilet lol

    the next day, i tried again and I let it come through, and it wasnt urine.

    I think you should just keep going and whatever happens happens

    good luck, and once you have done it once its easy


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