
Why cant i remember my dreams?

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sometimes i start remembering for like a week and then i just continue not to remember,am i a deep sleeper?




  1. a dream is in you subconcent mind. if you wake up right when you do ask yourselve what did you dream of then you will reameber. it will bring t out of you mind

  2. there not important or you just wake up and didn't dream

  3. If you place a pen and paper by your bed, and before you go to sleep think about the fact that you want to know your dream is, it increases your chances of being able to remember it for a short amount of time.  The second it comes to you in the morning, write it down.

  4. dreams only last 9 seconds actually, so many people dont remember they're dreams for long. A week is very impressive actually, alot of people forget they're dreams in three or two days. So it's normal.

  5. ya, somtimes people have thier dreams right before their deep sleep piont during the night, after the deep sleep you can't really remember your dreams

  6. well the thing about dreams is that you usually forget them during the first 10 minutes of you waking up. thats why you should jot them down quickly. during the first 5 minutes of being awake you forget half of your dream.

  7. i think you can only remember your dreams when you wake up in the midle of them... not too sure

  8. Hey it happens! I can only remember dreams every once in a while so its kinda odd like that too. It has nothing to do with intelligence, those people above are dumbasses.

  9. Dreams happen all through the night, but usually you can only remember the ones from right before you awaken.

    A good way to make a point to remember is to try and stay completely still for about five minutes every morning, thinking very carefully and calmly about what you were thinking about before you woke up. Usually, this way, you can remember a majority of the plot and characters. Deep sleepers all experience REM sleep, so it's not that you sleep too deep to dream. It really does take practice. You have to apply yourself.

  10. dreams are ways of dealing with things. If you want to remember them, write them down as soon as possible.

    dreams are the mind's way of sorting information recieved, often on a subconcious level. One reason the dreams fade is that they have done their job -- the info has been processed and placed in the proper place in your mind. Another reason is that whatever issue you may have been working throiugh has been resolved, or is just no longer important to you.

  11. why would you ask this question and the awnser is because you are asleep when you are sleeping so your brain is asleep and there for you dont have very long of a memory!!!

  12. That just means you are in deep sleep and you just cant remember because you were not awake

  13. If you want to remember your dreams as soon as you get up write them down and you will remember them better or you can just go over what happened in your mind but repeating it does something to help you remember it.

  14. It's normal not to remember dreams. When in a dream you are making up the story, but you never wrote it down, so you forget. Everyone forgets dreams.

  15. Sometimes you can't remember, but I'm not sure why. The one's that scare me the most or the one's that I remember and just somehow remember it I will always remember. I remember a dream I used to have when I was 8 that I was in the mall and the floors were all slippery and I slid off and fell off the side. It was scary.I remember having dreams about weird and yuck things, like boys wanting to see my b***s. >.< what a terrible dream! But Sometimes you just can't remember, it doesn't mean you don't have a good memory and it doesn't mean you're stupid.

  16. i always remeber my dreams very vividly everyones different i think it has to do with your imagination and how much you think deeply expand your imagination and you can dream up anything and always reemeber it

  17. some people just don't remember their dreams. most of the time i don't

  18. how can you remember something that didn't happen lol

  19. I DO THAT TO

  20. There are two types of dreams. One that gives you warning. And the other is give you importance on something or a reminder. In your case the same as mine, we forget our dreams when we suddenly woke up. Or some one disturbs you while you are dreaming. You cannot recall that instantly. You will realized it when things are different that instantly might say:"I have seen this in my dreams!".

  21. When we have dreams and remember them, we didn't have deep sleep (REM).

    We dream every night, but depending on the depth/level of our sleep [waves], we may or may not remember our dreams.

    You can read more about that here. This article is called:

    "REM Sleep Produces Vivid Dreams"

  22. if you want to remember write it down

    but forgetting your dreams is mostly common

    nothing to worry about.

  23. you have to wake up while you are having the dream to remember it

    thats why when people wake up while they are dreaming people say

    "hey i didn't get to finish my dream"

    because if it were finished they would not remember it

  24. They must not be important.

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