
Why cant i speak with a cricket costomer service rep when I call?

by  |  earlier

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Everytime I call cricket (1800-CRICKET) the automated machine tells me that all cricket reps are bizzy helping other costomers. Its like this 24/7 all day everyday!! If there a way I can talk to someone to help me with my phone problems that work for cricket. I cant go into a store for this problem only on the phone




  1. I'm NOT sure about this... -but I don't think they Exist! If they DO; it's probably ONE lonely guy, sitting in a Basement somewhere behind 3 Phones -whose buttons are ALWAYS blinking, while He methodically Answers them -one at a time, day after week after year... ! :0

  2. Well for one thing, crickets can't speak.  

    (chirp chirp)

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