
Why cant i use the same picture over and over on 4chan like i see others use?

by  |  earlier

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i see people on 4chan use the same pic over and over as their little display pic thing, but it always tells me that i am using the same file. it is getting really annoying and im running out of pics.




  1. ohh i know its mainly because ..... well here look at this and tell me if it helps its instructions lol i dont feel like typing

  2. Rules 1&2.

  3. The image file that you are using could have a Digital Watermark or DMR code implanted into it. This is a virus, but it is not a harmful to computer virus.

    A virus is just a line of code to report back to a server that may assume or have ownership of the digital data used.

    Some could argue that point of the virus, but any line of code that sends data without your knowledge or consent is a virus.

    Whatever medium the digital data appears to you as, photo, movie, cartoon, whatever, it is still Digital Data.

    /on open send report to ip. yada,yada , that is like the code.

    When you search for images, you are given a choice, Royalty Free, Propritary, GNU/GPL or No Copyright.

    This image I use came from the Wiki Commons, it is Royalty Free and the owner, Walt Disney Inc. has released this image to the Public Domain.

    gets kinda silly, buy another puter with windows DMR on it and you get more of the same junk.

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