
Why cant it be that only Democrats pay the extra taxes for the change that they want?

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I mean if you want this and that to happen and we don't why don't you pay for it and see how it works out and you get the benefits if it works and if we see that it works nice we pitch in as well and get the benefits too. But if it fails then we just laugh at you and said "told you so"

I mean for example socialized health care. Now some of us want this some of us don't so instead of taxing everyone why not just tax the people that want it and give it to the people that are paying for it. So then if it works out more people will start to apply for it too and so on. But if it fails then the people that never wanted it in the first place can say "I told you so" without having to pay for something they never wanted in the first place.

Hey you want it then you should pay for it. Why should you force someone to pay something that he does not want?

So this way you don't s***w everyone over in the event that your plan fails.




  1. Republicans are typically the one's with jobs and income to be taxed by those who want, want and want more but are not willing to work for it...we call them Democrats.

  2. Because Republicans ran the debt up.

    No personal responsibility from you either?

    You will fit in nice with the phony conservatives.

  3. Sounds good to me, you and your friends pay for the war in Iraq, and all the tax breaks we give to corporation and the rest of us don't give you a single nickle.

    Oh and by the way, payment in full is expected within 30 days of invoice.

  4. As soon as Republicans volunteer to pay off all of the national debt for me - oh, and can you tack on the cost of the Iraq war for me too?  

  5. You are right. Any time someone takes from you it is considered theft - whether it is with a gun or a ballot box.

  6. Sounds good.  Will the Republicans pay for GW Bush's HUGE deficit?  I'm guessing...No.

  7. I always found it ironic that Buffett complained about not getting taxed enough, yet doesn't donate the right amount he believes should be taxed to the Treasury.  The Treasury is always open to donations.  The amount of people insured by the government has increased by 30%...that might be the reason for the rising healthcare costs that everybody keeps talking about.

  8. I agree with these other guys paying those extra taxes is fine with me but as long as you pay the bill for the deficet,war,get back the jobs we lost to other countrys from companys being given tax breaks oh and also and maybe you guys have enough money in your deep pockets to buy back the dignety we lost from 8 years of idiocracy.

  9. Your thought is really revolutionary. Two rules for two sets of people in one country. After a while those who seek, follow and given a separate set of rules would want to have their own country. Whenever there is a disagreement in Congress, Parliament or whatever they should split up into two houses for each set of people. I think this is a better form than democracy!

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