
Why cant mcdonalds make good food and thats good for you?

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Why cant mcdonalds make good food and thats good for you?




  1. Because its fast food, and why make it healthy, if people are willing to eat there anyways.

    If I owned it, I would see it as, "why chance it, were a billion dollar company"

  2. because good(healthy) food don't taste as good. they (fast food companies) spend years to make all of us addicted to fatty food, so if they change the menu to a complete healthy food, they'd be out of business in no time.

    yes, sure they can offer all healthy menu but they are not going to.

  3. Good food takes to long to prepare and cook.  If MacDonald's made good food they would no longer fit into the fast food category of eateries.

  4. You can order chicken wraps grilled instead of crispy, without all the sauce. with side salad, low cal vinegar dressing and apple and walnut salad for a low cal lunch.   Drink a diet pepsi or coke.

  5. Money.

  6. no clue.. they do have fruit and salad though

  7. they do make good food and its not all that bad for you its pretty much like everywhere else. comapre the nutrition labels to other restaurants and you will actually see that mcdonalds food has less calories in it!

  8. it is just that easy to stay-away.stop putting down fast food.

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