
Why cant men have babies?

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is it cause we will get strech marks




  1. well i have stretch marks.. my back is full of them... believe me. u don't only get stretch marks from having babies lol

    i'm a guy btw...

    but i wouldn't wanna have a baby.. don't know why uwould... but giving birth doesn't make u a parent...  

  2. Because you couldn't handle it. Grow a v****a, have periods all your life complete with cramps and back pains, get pregnant and carry a bowling ball in your uterus for nine months only to have to shove it out of a 10 cm opening and then care for it for the rest of your life and THEN ask if you still want to have kids

  3. My uterus is busted.

  4. lol thatas funny

  5. Because we got no ovaries and we do not have the appropriate hole for the baby to come out.  

  6. HaHa....because you don't have the equipment to have a baby.

  7. Because there is no hole for the baby to come out of.(talking before c-sec's)

  8. No, it's because you couldn't handle it emotionally, physically or any other way for that matter.

  9. Because then You want get to ask this stupid dumbass question

    Stop trolling

  10. cause u need an egg....also your pelvis isnt big enough, and u cant have a baby out or your p***s

    double ouwiieee

  11. We can't make eggs because we don't have ovaries. Besides where would the baby come out of?

  12. Because supposedly we cant handle the stress and all that jazz.

  13. Theoretically men could have babies, it would be a process of getting an egg, fertilizing it, implanting it into the abdominal cavity, a series of hormonal injections, and a few other unpleasant procedures. This is if you are willing to go through it.

    and yes there will probably be stretch marks. Oh and before I forget, delivery via C-section, so not only stretch marks, but a bikini scar as well. Oh joy!

  14. Not the correct gear for it... I think it's a good thing :D

  15. Because you dont have ovaries =D

    And because you wouldnt be able to handle the pain ;)

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