
Why cant muslim girls marry christians guys?

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  1. dis is really simple. muslim girls cant marry non-muslim men because women but not be strong enough to make sure the kids are muslim. dats y men can because dey r generally listened to

  2. Quran 2:21 states "...And give not your daughters in marriage to idolaters till they believe." Idolaters, of course, usually refers now to Christians because they say that Christ is the Son of God, considered polytheism (Q5:73). The practical matter that is also considered is that the husband traditionally is the master of the family; thus, he may refuse permission for his wife to take part in religious requirements, such as fasting during Ramadan, or refusing to raise the children Muslim. Remember, in Islam marriage is an institution, a way of life in which all members must benefit, especially the children. It is not a party.

  3. Oh thats easy, because they dont want to get their head cut off by their dad.

  4. Muslim girls can marry Christian boys, according to the book, Qura'an it is not illegal. Islam says marriage between Ehl-e-Kitab those who have got a book, notably Christians, Jews is allowed. Now it is the matter of mutual understanding how you want to manage a relationship. If both of you boy and girls can keep the limits and your religion in one piece there is no harm, but there are bigger questions of what religion the kids will follow and stuff so you need to think about future as well, not just yourself but other related to you too. It is more difficult for a girl to marry a guy from other religion because she might not be able to follow her religion after the marriage.

  5. I am a 16 yr old girl and I want to be friend with a Muslim girl. to talk about anything even boys and girl relationships.

  6. Why cant muslim girls marry christians guys?

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