
Why cant my debit card be processed on paypal to make purchases on ebay?

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last week i bought a few items using my visa debit card on ebay. it worked fine..i even got the items today..i know there is money left on the card so i tried to make a purchase today but it said my card couldnt be processed. why? and i cant verify my bank account because for some reason the card isnt linked to a bank account i guess..idk its my moms card..and neither one of us know much about it or paypal..but if someone could help me that would be great.




  1. Paypal is nothing but trouble. I have had issue after issue. If it doesn't work..don't use it. And then again, if its not link to a bank do you expect to get money out of it.

  2. Is your Visa Debit a card through your bank OR through a Paypal account?

    If I understand you correctly, and used debit card from your bank, it sounds like your last purchase was made from a vender who had a "premiere" paypal account. A premiere account allows non paypal customers to use a major credit card. However, a standard paypal account wont allow credit card payments, it only allows payments made from the customers paypal account.

    If you are using a paypal card, and you are new, then it might be because you have exceeded your limit like the others have said above. OR it could have been flagged. My boyfriend has had an account for 5 years, and when he spends too much in one day they flag his account. He then has to call paypal to verify that it is him trying to make a purchase. It is a pain in the butt at time, but it is better than someone getting a hold of it and draining your account.

    Paypals number is (402)-935-2017 but they can only help you if you have a paypal account

  3. Isn't a debit card take money straight out of a bank account?  Is there enough money on it?  Are you a verified member?

    You can probably try and transfer some $$ to your paypal account, and pay straight from the paypal account.

  4. sounds like its red flagged. call your bank or go to your atm to see if the card works there. if not then someone is stealing your money. I suspect the bank is behind this due to the bank failures.  

  5. try a pre-paid Visa

  6. I have a PayPal visa/debit card.

    That should do the trick.

    Between PayPal & eBay, they should be able to walk you through all that you need to know.  Contact customer service either online or via a home phone.  Just explain the problems you've experienced and they'll get you past it.

  7. You should have a closer look at  paypals terms. You may find you have over spent as paypal limits you at first.

    As for the girl above who claims to be making 3,500 a month from some internet scheme, she is most likely not yet earning a penny, but is trying to encourage others to join through her link in the hope of making money. A new book recently circulated telling people how great yahoo answers is for making money. All you do is spin your little tale and peole follow like sheep. The only people who really make money through the internet are the perpetrators of these schemes, or the writers of those books.



  9. well you can save yr debit card info to yr paypal account and it should be linked to yr bank account if its not then thats weird and how would you not know about your own debit card and account. you can also verify your bank account so instead of it going through your card it auto. goes to yr b. account. it tells you how to set things up. to verify yr bank account you dont even have to incluse your card info. its pretty simple if you read the directions and follow them. you dont need to transfer money to your paypal it will automaticly do it whenu use it to buy things. ebay does have to know that you have a pay pal account since most sellers take pay pal and as do other websites. it might just be that pay pal wants to verify your account. you enter you accont num and your e-mail used w yr bank and they will send an e-mail to youto verify it but ebay. your bank, and paypal must be used w the same e-mail account and adress for it to verify it correctly and make sure your using your real name that your bank has also w ebay and pay pal. good luck.

  10. It may have something to do with the limit that they (Pay Pal or eBay) have allowed you on that card.  Even if there is money on it, they may not have approved you to spend that much using it.  That happened to me years ago when I first started using ebay and paying with a credit card.  I don't know if there is any way to fix it.  You will have to contact them.

  11. call paypal

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