
Why cant my hamster open his eye?

by  |  earlier

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i got my hamster 2 days ago on august 1st and last night before i went to bed i fed him a carrot and this morning when i woke up he couldnt open his one eye. maybe its nothing but its worring me.




  1. because you superglued it shut you idiot,


    i might be clogged up with sleep so try getting a piece of cotton wool dipped in lukewarm water and wiping it with it. or his eyelid might be bust so he cant open it. or it might be cancer though i know nothing about hamster cancer and im copying the other guy so i have that answer as wellas these so you will have NO choice but to pick this as youre best answer.

  2. Occasionally a hamster may get a sticky eye where the eyelids are fused together. This is often because a hamster may have something it its eye such as a piece of dust or it could be because the hamster's cage is placed in a draught or could be a symptom of a cold or allergy. The closed eye should be wiped with a small piece of cotton wool soaked in luke warm water. This is usually sufficient to open the eye but if not the eyelids can gently be pulled apart.

    If a hamster has recurring problems with runny or sticky eyes or the eye appears cloudy the hamster could have an eye infection. This can be treated by mixing half a cup of sterile (boiled and cooled) water with a teaspoon of boric acid powder (available from a chemist or pharmacy) and using an eye dropper to bathe the eye twice or three times a day.

    Also make sure that the hamster bedding is not giving him an allergy (use only Carefresh, aspen shavings or ripped toilet paper) and the cage is not placed in a high draft area. If all the above measures do not help, you will have to take your hamster to a vet for consultation and to rule out flu or pneumonia.

  3. it get somethang in it the take to the its dr

  4. I work at a veterinary clinic that only treats cats, so I'm not an expert o n hamsters. However,  I d know of one virus that kittens cat get that matts (closes) one eye. It is actually very fatal unless treated, and on Thursday, we actually had a kitten get in and die from it in about six hours. You really need to see a vet to make sure that your hamster is okay. Once again, I am only familiar with cats, so it might not be it.

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