
Why cant penguins fly?

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  1. A penguin cannot fly because, it's body is far too large and heavy for the size of its wings.

    Another reason Penguins can't fly is because of their feathers. Penguin's feathers are smaller "pin feathers" that are short, small, fluffy feathers used to create dense warmth. Long, large, hard feathers are what flighted birds use to create loft, which allows a bird to fly.

  2. They can't afford the high prices the airlines are charging for everything.

  3. Because they are adapted to their enviorment. They Don't need to fly in their habitat. Their wings ae small and are NOT ment for flying at all. Maybe some ancient ancestors of penguins used to fly, when their habittat was diffferent.

  4. They have adapted to an aquatic lifestyle, and no longer need to fly. They are very agile swimmers, and can usually escape predators by either swimming away from them, or exiting the water. Other flightless birds, such as ostriches, emus, and cassowaries have adapted to a terrestrial lifestyle, and escape predators by running from them.

  5. I don't know, why can't they?????

  6. theyre much too fat silly

  7. thats their a\daptation they live in regions where it is almost impossible to fly in the thin air thus the birds r adapted to swimming using their wings by flapping
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