
Why cant people understand that berber egyptians and some ethiopians are not black?

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Why cant people understand that berber egyptians and some ethiopians are not black?




  1. It is called willful ignorance. This answer will probably get me violation notice, but it is true, that some people chose to remain ignorant when the facts contradict their cherished beliefs.

  2. Maybe because they dont live in Egypt or Berber (if that is a place to live) and dont see the people on  tv or  read about them in National Geographic magazine.

  3. James...where did you get your information from...? Are you sure it's accurate b/c I can attest to the fact that alot of what are considered "history books" and information that is supposed to depict such a time are not accurate on facts...

  4. I don't know. I think people hear Africa and instantly they think of a dark skinned people, so when you hear Africa you think black people. But we know that most of Northern Africa are Arabs.

    Also, when you talk about Egypt people tend to feel that you discredit them by not showing them in their original state. Especially when speaking about Ancient Egypt & Kush

  5. the interesting thing about the bebers is that they originated in Spain. they and their language are related to the prehistoric iberian language that was once spoken in Spain. this language is also related to the basque language. the very name berber comes from Iberian.

  6. This is due to the common misconception about what the word "African" actually means.  North Africans are simply not considered when they think of Africa.  Most people see East, Central, West & South Africans as the same group of ethnic people too.  Genetically they are very different groups of people. East Africans (from the Horn of Africa) are actually far closer to Arabs than to most other Africans, except for skin color.  Simply having black skin doesn't have a lot to do with genetic make up either.

  7. some people have misconceptions about reality. I was arguing with a woman who insisted that all Africans are black. When I mentioned Egypt and the other Arab countries she insisted that they were also black, as are all Africans. So I don't think there is a good way to fix this problem, and it is not confined to this area of knowledge.

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