
Why cant...?

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Why do some people can face the fact that global warming is real?




  1. global warming is not real, in fact, this year has been one of the coldest on record.  There is snow in places where it has never snowed before,  It's snowing in Iraq for crying out loud.  

    It's been a record winter in many countrys on earth this year.

    THere is more ice in antartica right now than there has been in years.  It was not publicisized by any of the major media, but in new york this past week There was a world wide confrence by hundreds of scientists who disagree with global warming, and they wern't given the time of day by the media.

    What global warming really is, is a made up reason for the united nations to take away america's sovernity, and for the democrats to be able to put taxes on everyone.  and scare everyone into believing that we need to destroy americas economy so the democrats can be in control of everything and everyone.  AND because the media is all in the pocket of the democratic party, they go along unthinkingly following anything the democratic party wants them to do.  Global warming is a lie, it is arguabally the most dangerous political therat to americas sovernity that exisists on plannet earth today..  ANd that's scary, since it's a lie.

    In fact i've heard some scientists saying that they are worried about the next ice age before they are worried about the plannet getting hotter.  

    Someone else in the health science world just came out and made the statement that being fat was a bigger threat to the world than global warming,  Can you immagine the terrible problems that a bunch of fat people on a hot plannet would cause.  Perish the thought.


  3. Because you can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time.  But you can't fool all of the people all of the time!

    If you've completed enough laps of the sun, you start to realise that most of what the media puts out is designed purely to sell their publication; and has no relevance to reality whatsoever (as the common population knows reality).

    If you believe in global warming... go for it.

    Whatever floats your boat.

  4. Hahaha. I really did expect a few more answers from people who DO believe in climate change... but looks like the majority of people on Yahoo! Answers don't believe in it. (Or at least there's a fair few people who are very passionate about not believing it.)

    I, for one, DO believe in climate change, and it is undoubtedly the biggest threat that we face... (possible that and overpopulation). The problem is, in order to solve climate change (or any other environmental issue for that matter) we have to balance out the economic, social AND environmental side of things. Obviously an economist and and environmentalist are going to have very different views about climate change. Of course the economist is going to say that the economy is the most important thing in the world, and the environmentalist will say that the environment is. Neither of them are right though (although in my opinion the environmentalist is more correct... lol)...

    Anyway... my point is (I think) that what we need is people who understand all the social, economic and environmental aspects of these issues, and can then we can find a compromise...

    Also... some people just don't want to believe it because that would mean that they have to change their lifestyle... which they don't want to do...

    Ahhh.... ramble ramble ramble. Sorry. Lol.

  5. U can fool @ll of the people some of the time

  6. What?

  7. Some people just dont believe it. Some people eithir have problem with the science or just dont believe it.

    I personally do, so far so crazy the weather im seeinig this year and with the glaciers and science reports ive read im convienced enough.

  8. The Earth's climate is always changing. The question is: are humans significantly influencing the climate?

  9. The problem as I see it is that if you go to any of the numerous Internet forums dedicated to discussion of Global Warming, or any of the other environmental issues that threaten the human race with extinction you end up instead debating third grade science with the trenchcoat mafia.  When I was their age, there was enormous concern that the United States was ONLY 5th in education among developed countries.  As it has turned out, that was our high point!  We now rank 26th out of 29, and there is no better evidence of that than these folks.

    Don't get sucked into a "debate", or any of the rest of their brain dead agenda, think instead of your own survival.  The population of the human race outgrew it's food supply and other resources in the late 1970's.  All the environmental problems derive from this.  In the past the rest of the world has looked to the USA for leadership on any important issue.  Those days are long gone, and moreso with every succeeding generation.  People with some grasp of the situation need to start thinking about themselves, and forget about the welfare of the people causing the problems.  Lord knows, they don't care about you!  Identify the skills needed to survive without the things developed since civilization began, and get busy learning them.  Then develop the means to defend them when the dedicatedly uneducated discover they have been wrong, and come wanting to take what you have had the wisdom to preserve.

  10. Simple, becuase they dont want.  This is the biggest issue, to a group of poeple an issue could be abig problem but to others is would be a political agenda of that group.  Same is the case with believers and non-believers of climate change. Both of them have their own arguments.

  11. Do the research yourself and stop reading what the press and Gore has to say.

       How much is Al Gore getting paid in kickbacks in the "Carbon Offset" company he owns?

       Sad but true. Just remember that research scientists don’t do their work for free. Right now the biggest grants being handed out "Courtesy of the UN and the US Congress" is for research into Global Warming

       Why would you disprove something if by doing so you stop getting paid?

      I crunched the numbers on the buoy data that "proves global warming" guess what, they use a 8 year old data set to prove their facts! Once you figure in the next 8 years their global warming goes out the window.

       Also the planet has warmed up by .1 degrees wow! Just remember that the average deviation on the thermometers used is +/- .5 degrees. and they try to average out the data. You can’t get a better result using coarser data. That’s a fact.

      Do your homework and realize what an inquiring mind will find when it is free of bias

  12. Perhaps we should clarify that not all who disagree with you will agree with each other.

    Global warming can be unreal or real.

    If real, it can be mostly caused by human activity, or it can be mostly caused by other forces.

    If it is mostly caused by other forces, it may still be significantly influenced by human activity.

    Next, regardless of whether one sees the cause as being of human origin , primarily or significantly, or not at all, the question can we stop it is still not a foregone conclusion.

    Why? Think  about the reason that it is so very important to act now to stop it... remember why that is?  We understand that based on global warming expectations there will come a tipping point, an accumulation of warming which, once reached no amount of reduction in Co2 emission will reverse the warming trend.

    This assumption leads to the observation that we may have reached that tipping point, or we may be so close to it that we would require an all out halt to burning of fossil fuels, right now, world wide, to avoid passing the tipping point.

    Just like the assumption that the cause of global warming is not in our doing, this says that we may not have time for debate, we may not have time for prolonged phase out programs, and we may be deluding ourselves that we will get people to do anything in time to avoid passing the tipping point.

    Why? Because it is inconvenient, and we don't do inconvenient things, no matter the consequences.

  13. Some are honestly mistaken.  Others see conspiracies in everything.

    Many are extreme conservatives.  If liberals, environmentalists, or worst, Al Gore say something it MUST be wrong.  No many how many scientists say it.  You can see this viewpoint in some of the answers here.

    They should maybe pay attention to these guys:

    "Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming"

    "National Review (the most prestigious conservative magazine) published a cover story calling on conservatives to shake off denial and get into the climate policy debate"

  14. It's pretty clear that we might lose certain elements of our lifestyle.  We're losing access access to cheap oil anyway, but we might as well blame global warming as a convenient scapegoat.

    The normal phases of grieving include denial, anger, guilt, sadness and acceptance.  People move through those phases at a different rate.  So many people grieving the likely loss of their old, self-indulgent lifestyles are stuck in that first phase, denial.  Others have moved on to anger.  Some are feeling guilt.  Others are further along in sadness.  Apparently you're all the way to acceptance.  

    Congratulations, you'll probably be better prepared to anticipate, prepare for and adapt to the changes to come.

    The good news is that you're farther along than the people stuck in denial or anger!

  15. Scientist no seem to think it's global freezing . What am I to believe ?

  16. People can't face climate change because they don't want to take responsibility for their actions, which requires changing lifestyles and cultures which are built around technologies which are changing the radiative equilibrium of the earth system.
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