
Why cant the ban the paparazzi?

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i was watching videos on and started feeling angry and some paparazzi because they would stand in front of there cars meaning celebs .




  1. The paparazzi would vanish in an instant if we stopped buying the magazines that publish their photos and watching the shows that aired their video footage. Their existence is our fault. We're not only okay with their behavior despite our small objections -- we actually crave what they  provide. It's a sad truth.

  2. It's public property, thus they have any right to be there as a normal person walking down the street do! The only way they can block the paparazzi is if they are trespassing on the celebrities' personal home property or the manager/owner of a restaurant or store refuses to allow them inside. Other than that, they can stalk the celebrities on the sidewalks and on the highways!

  3. wow. i can barely understand anything you said but I get the gist of it.

    There will ALWAYS be paparazzi because its the public that fuels tabloid magazines!

    DON'T BUY tabloid magazines and give Celebs their life back. Then we won't have any use for paparazzi.

  4. First Amendment based lawsuits which argue freedom of the press (though i don't think paparazzi are real press i mean c'mon!) but that's the grounds for the lack of bans on them.

  5. I think paparazzi are sick... I never understood how their jobs were legal when stalking is not legal... I recently heard that california is trying to pass a law banning paparrazzi... I hope they do I watched that tmz show once and it's pretty sad

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