
Why cant turkey government just swallow their pride&admit that they wont make it to EU union& turn 2 khalifah?

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since 70 % of muslims there are rejecting secularcim while 30 % arent

even if u go by *voting* the khalifa idea still will win

dont get me wrong. id like for turkey to enter the EU union so muslims and Islam CAN have a voice there. but its enough already turkey wont make it. been trying for 80 %




  1. I think Turks shouldn't be ashamed of being Muslims and shouldn't try to keep the distance from the religion. They should be proud of what they are. I think Turkey is perfectly capable to be a EU member (of course, it has to fulfill some requirements like the rest of EU members), but let them decide themselves whether they want to or not.

  2. I really want Turkey to join the EU. I think religion can not be that important to reject the Turkish membership. (rejected by Europeans or by the Turkish people themselves)=.

    Muslims (whether they are turks or from any other nation) are living in Europe these days and the communities are growing, it is just a  common thing to see a women in veil, to find some shawarmas or kebabs restaurants in any European City, or to walk in a suburb listening nothing but Turk and Arabic music.......Turkey is already a member of the OCDE, they are fully integrated in sports competitions (soccer) in European tournaments.....c´mmon even in Yahoo Answers, Turkey is classified ini Europe (Continental) and send contestants to Eurovision.

    I dont want Turkey to became another France or America, I want Turkey to preserve its history & traditions (both Otoman and Islamic) and I think a muslim president / prime minister (from Bosnia, Albania or Turkey) can sit in a round table with his "Christian" & European counterparts and toghether planned the best for the region without throwing his religious ideas and traditions away.

    I think it will be a goal (at least for the US and Europe) to include Turkey in the "westernize world of the UE" just for one reason:

    If you help Turkey to succeed as a Secular Country and reaches such development rate as that in Spain, Italy or Portugal...I think it will have a barrier effect to Fundamentalism or Radicalism (suddenly people in Islamic countries would see that they can have better jobs, better salaries, better institutions and best of all still being Islamic without being so extremist)...

    And maybe then the succeed of Turkey as a Secular country could be imitated then by Israel / Iran etc etc...I think it would be great for the region if that happens...

    Maybe my opinion is kind of a western guy, and I know, Turkey will decide the best for its people....If they dont make the EU, Im pretty sure they will find their own way to succeed in accordance to its culture...they made it once with ottoman empire.......For Me: Turkey dont have to swallow any pride.......Its The West (Europe) who have to swallow they pride and admit Turkey in the end, if they didnt do that, they have more to loose than Turks...

  3. Your data are mistaken

    pls check the figures again

    I talked to the khalifah yesterday, he's so incompetent you wouldn't believe

    he said islam sux.. he's lost his faith in Islam. dunno why

  4. You made up the given statistics on the spot to strengthen your viewpoint.  Besides, we do not want or need a caliph. Turkey is the country it is today through the long term democratic process and economic developments thanks to the laws and philosophy she adopted. Even if Turkey cannot enter the EU, Turkey will always be moving forward, not backward.

    The question is not whether Turkey will enter the EU, but how she can reach the level of contemporary civilization. That journey started off long before the EU formed. However, if we become a member, Turkey will not be the voice of Islam as she is not today. Turks experienced monarchy and caliphate, so we already know they are not the answers we are looking for.

    P.S Nor the answer is to be a part of organizations like the SCO formed by anti-democratic countries like Russia and China.

  5. extreme,turks are turks 1st and always will be.thats where ur problems lies.

    if someone asked you what u r,ud say 'im muslim' while a proper turk would say 'im a turk'.

    turkey has no reason why it cant join the EU in the future,the only thing holding turkey back is the backward thinking people,moaning about stupid weak reasons like religion.

  6. Is that TRUE Islam or CULTURAL Islam.

    There is a BIG difference.

  7. hi,

    After  Ireland rejected EU reform treaty

    it is more effective for us  to be member of   the SCO (Shanghai Coorperation Union)

    and i support to enter  the Non-Aligned Movement,too.

  8. The current government (AKP majority) has brought Turkey closer to joining the EU than any previous (coalition) government has. The opposition parties (CHP and MHP) seem to be blocking it.

    Whether Turkey ever gains acceptance and whether or not it would be a good thing are other issues.

  9. We are not europeans and never will be, we are muslims than turks.

    I hope turkey never joins the EU. Its not like the EU will accept turkey anyways ( its just a game). Even if they did join the EU believe me the muslims would never have a say.

    The EU is a christian organization

    @ keyser:

    It's ironic that no matter how far the secular Turks go in their animosity against religion, they still cannot get themselves accepted by the Europeans as Europeans. They are a disgrace and shame to Turkey. They think that by banning the head scarve the Europeans will admire them. They think that by fighting against religion and the Divine the Europeans will open their arms and embrace them. That's how much of a shame they have become. The secularists forget the fact that it is Islam that gave the Turks civillization. Before Islam, the Turks were known as barbarians, savages and subhuman people. By accepting Islam they became civillized and formed one of the greatest empires in history

  10. I agree. And I propose Yaşar Nuri Öztürk as the first Halife. Didn't meet as wise a guy anywhere else.

    And then all ex-European countries will be flocking to the TU.

  11. Caliphate is an islamic system to rule a nation.

    Only muslims followed it.

    Turkey is Secular and Turks are seculars not muslims.  

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