
Why cant we be equal??

by Guest63103  |  earlier

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I say "because historically, her v****a has been deemed as an anatomical disadvantage in the workplace." Why the h**l SHOULDN'T she get the job?

This is what I was driving at. Why can't we be equal instead of always looking for an advantage. Over compensating to one side or another just creates more problems. The past is just that...the past. The way things were, was not right at all. That is almost the same thing as "Your dad stole something from my dad, so I am going to steal something from you." To wrongs don't make a right.

I think they should do away with names or anything that would disclose gender in job applications and resumes and have interviews done behind a curtain so they have to hire based on qualifications and resumes without knowing the gender.

For the record I am not against feminism, women's rights, equality, and i am definately not a misogynist like I have been labled here. I just don't like how society seems to need one group on top of the other.




  1. I understand the point you're making, but I still stand by my assertion that "because historically, her v****a has been deemed as an anatomical disadvantage in the workplace."

    "Why can't we be equal instead of always looking for an advantage. Over compensating to one side or another just creates more problems".

    We're not over compensating. The proof is - women today, STILL only make up a small fraction of those employed in male dominated fields. Unfortunately, besides nursing, teaching and child care, every other field predominantly employs men.

    "The past is just that...the past". Unfortunately my friend, like I said, women are still under-represented in politics, business, the media, health (except for nursing), law enforcement, trades, engineering, IT, science, manufacturing etc etc etc. This is why people are shocked when a woman becomes CEO of a large corporation. Things are only JUST starting to change.

    Affirmative action (in Australia) is not there to make women have MORE power than men. It is simply designed to attempt to make employers/management consider and recruit women who are EQUALLY appropriate for the position to a male counterpart, instead of the default decision to employ men.

    It goes both ways. In many job advertisements in Australia for positions such as child care centres, the advertisements state "We are a equal opportunity workplace. We encourage men to apply." That IS NOT discrimination. It is merely acknowledgement that men historically AND at present, are under represented in those fields.

    It is only BALANCING the present trends.

    I like your idea about not disclosing gender, and closed curtains, btw :-) I'd love to see who would get the jobs! I suspect many more women will get employed in broader fields than they are today!

  2. Because we're not equal.

    What we need is to be 'equally represented and allocated'.

    ^ The man said "get the job", how are you gonna not only take his words out of context, but put a quote around it making him to look even worse?

  3. When you say "why the h**l shouldn't she get the job?" What she are you referring to? Not only do I have a job I am the owner of three companies, and give to charity. So like I asked, what "she" are you referring to?

    EDIT: Oh didn't see that, will change.

  4. We can.

    "I think they should do away with names or anything that would disclose gender in job applications and resumes and have interviews done behind a curtain so they have to hire based on qualifications and resumes without knowing the gender."

    Absolutely! I would be ALL for this.

    Part of the reason women are discriminated against at present (at least in the UK) is because of our maternity/paternity laws, which are the most unequal in Europe. A pregnant woman can take one year off even if she finds out she is pregnant on the first day of her new job, and the company has to keep the job open. Obviously this has led to employers favouring men over women for jobs and promotions even more than previously.

    There will not be equality in the workplace until childminding is seen as the responsibility of both men and women and parental leave is equal.

  5. You say "I just don't like how society seems to need one group on top of the other. " , I think thats got to be one of the most popular positions, or even the most popular 2 positions.

      More seriously you ask "Why cant we be equal" ? well political correctness aside, we not equal. Physically anyway, and we get into very blurred areas when we discuss transexuals, really, which bathroom should they use? Very confusing. But, for job applications, it really shouldn't make the slightest bit of difference you are a man or a woman.

      The idea of interviewing behind a curtain I dont think will take off. people like to see the facial expressions of the people as well as their mannerisms, getting a good vibe, feeling the person is honest and friendly, is more important to interviewers than which s*x a person is.

  6. They don't need them .

    Is it me or is every women in here have 5 companies an waiting saint hood from the church.

  7. why aren't you against femenism,you know that they don't really want equal rights.

    it's your kind you should be defending,women have all the advantages.

  8. I'm with pookie. There's still a long way to go. You have to tip the scales to see any change. Otherwise, women will be asking this same question for coming decades - and we shouldn't have to in this day and age.
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