
Why cant we build muscle mass (bulk up) and get muscle definition at the same time ?

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I've read and heard people say that one cannot bulk up and at the same time build muscle definition. I donot understand the argument.

Their argument is that muscle building requires extra surplus calories, and definition requires losing fat, so deficit of calories. So both cannot be done together.

But if I am taking protein supplements to help build muscle tissue, but at the same time, doing a lot of cardio to lose even the little fat present, why cant I achieve both at the same time ?

I mean, surplus of protien and deficit of fat !!

This is what I am doing right now and want to know if what I am doing is ideal if I also want to bulk up a little bit more than what I am now (and at the same time do not lose the definition or be fat)...




  1. Ive been bulking up (muscle) and dropping my body fat % while getting more definition. It definetly works.  

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