
Why cant we do more to stop Dangerous drivers?

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Today I was passed by three cars doing over 100 mph on the freeway, heading right into heavy traffic. These are potential murderers, in my opinion! Idiot kids with no scence, endangering everyone around them. What can we do about freaks like this? They were winding in and out of lanes, passing cars outside of the lanes, I hate that c**p!




  1. Call the police department and give them the license plate numbers if possible, call 911 and give them the location or put them here

  2. bimmer said it best,you can't stop speeding,I myself prefer to drive fast on the highways and I can't stand left lane hoggers.

      Majority of speeders are ACTUALLY driving,the slower drivers are arguing and fighting with either their kids or passengers,yapping on their cell phones,applying make up,daydreaming,stuffing their blubber filled bdies with doughnuts and burgers....these are the people who gave American automakers the go ahead to fill cars with cup holders.

          To be a speeder requires that you are always paying attention and have a good judge of your cars ability to perform.

  3. were they all kids? im tired of people assuming that i being 21 am a bad driver because im young. i know older folks who drive huge trucks or 30-foot cadillacs and drive slower than christmas. personally i think the slower ones cause more trouble.

  4. You can only control what you do, not the actions of others.  I recommend staying away from them altogether.  Stay in the "far right" lane except to pass yourself.  As far as the weaving in and out of traffic goes, believe it or not the United States Uniform Vehicle Code, which most states base their laws on, states that in this case that the speeders AND the people blocking the "PASSING LANE" are BOTH breaking the law.

    Common practice (but RARELY observed) and most law on United States Highways is that the left lane is reserved for passing and faster moving traffic, and that traffic using the left lane must yield to traffic wishing to overtake. The United States Uniform Vehicle Code states:

    "Upon all roadways any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic..."

    The law refers to the "normal" speed of traffic, not the "legal" posted traffic speed. Hence, the 60 MPH driver in a 55 MPH zone where everybody else is driving 75 MPH must move right.

    Call the Police if you wish, but please do not call 911.  That system is for emergency use only.  I for one do not want to be getting a busy signal in a life or death situation because users are burdening the system with non-emergency situations, do you?

  5. one thing we can do to stop dangerous drivers is to outlaw the use of cell phones while driving

    , he he.There are more deaths due to this then drinking and drug deaths combined behind the drivers wheel

  6. Just call the cops.  No big deal.

  7. Because the system sucks... It is a flawed, illogical, political, corrupt rule based on greed in order to keep power in the hands of the few.

  8. make the highways more speed friendly like the autobaughn in Germany. there is no way to really stop them, so why not make it safer for everyone at higher speeds. the autobaughn is by far the safest highway system in the world and it doesn't have a speed limit. good for you and speeders. by the way, 100 MPH isn't really that fast, and you must be skilled to weave in and out of traffic and drive on the shoulders.

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