
Why cant we do this here since China does it?

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there are 160 crimes for which the death penalty is assigned in China...they also harvest the organs of excuted prisoners and sell them to support their military.....we could do that ehre and use the money for socialist type entitlement programs,...and reduce the prison population at the same time....thereby taking care of two of the liberals most cherished goals at why not Mr Obama?




  1. thats fascism

  2. It would be far easier for all those thinking the chi-com model better than

    ours to simply go there and live under that system than it would be

    to  reorder our society along their lines--but  be of good cheer--both

    sides of  "the aisle"  are doing their individual parts to  take us there as

    fast as their greedy little claws can scuttle.

  3. Don't human ethics come to mind when you start to play god with mortality. And the Government OWNS you and your little dog too.

  4. This is why China will likely overpower the U.S. in the near future... It's not being overrun by liberals and they'll do whatever it takes to get the job done...

  5. Because human life, yes even that of criminals, should be cherished.

  6. Because here in America the people rule the government in china it is the opposite .

  7. There has been some speculative fiction written about just such a scenario.

    The gist of it ususally goes, "If we're willing to harvest the organs of those people sentenced to death, what's to stop us (if a severe shortage of donors occurs, for whatever reason) from arbitrarily making more minor crimes punishable by death?"

    Before you scoff at the idea, remember we're talking about politicians here (and rich folk, who for some odd reason don't seem to think that earning 5x the median income qualifies them as being rich).  Their actions don't always indicate their being the sharpest tools in the shed.

  8. the biggest problem with liberals getting on board with this is that 90% of the prison population and therefore criminals are from liberal voter bases and groups.......they wont go for it....good idea though since only criminals need fear it

  9. lol US americans...

    why not invade africa and steal their organs?

  10. sounds like the Chinese solved several problems at once....the criminal element here are made up of people who we really dont want their organs from though...crack heads,HIV/AIDs type people and such...nice thought though...crime would drop a lot

  11. This is one of the things which had the world ready to forceably remove the Olympics from China. Unfortunately for freedom and human rights, the always saleable and ever swish GOP won on this one, because they like Nike being able to produce $150 tennies for $2. Typical

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