
Why cant we eat these farm animals

by  |  earlier

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Whenever we have food and mouth or bird flu they kills 1000's of animals and burn them. Why can they not be eaten as cooking would destroy the infection so they should be safe to eat.




  1. Cause it would seriously deform us if we did. Or get us really really sick.

    Try it and see.


    Hi. Answer mine pwease?;...

  2. The meat does not become safe after cooking.

  3. just to add to whats already been said - most people dont even know how to boil an egg let alone cook meat properly.

  4. Handling the infected carcasses poses an infection risk. Many cases of bird flu were transmitted by local farmers handling dead or dying poultry.

  5. It is an epidemic we are talking about. The main job is to contain the epidemic, so that it will not spread out. The meat may be safe to eat after cooking, but the risk of spreading an epidemic is too high.

  6. You really would not want to eat an animal with foot and mouth, you have obviously not seen what happens to them, and no-- cooking does not kill the infection.

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