
Why cant we get pregnant? will we ever have kids?

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i have endometerisos. i have had three surgeries and found out that i have one tube that works and one that doesn't. we have had unprotected s*x for almost four years now and never got pregnant once. this last surgery was done by a specialist and he said that i should have no problem getting pregnant on my own.




  1. well if the doctor said that then wait blondie a lil more

  2. How long have you been trying since your last surgery?  I would suggest using OPK or BBT to see if you are ovulating and pinpoint when you are ovulating.  That will help you better plan in the upcoming months.  Check out fertility friend or fertility gal for more info on both.

    If you have been trying for at least 6 months I would go see you doctor.  How do you know that maybe your husband does not have a problem.  Hopefully not, but it is worth getting checked out.  I have had friends with endo and they have gotten pregnant with the help of Clomid.

    Best of luck to you.  I know ttc is stressful!

  3. I just had the endo surgery Aug 4th.  Although, both of my tubes are good.  I had my LH surge this past Monday.  Had a LOT of pain on Tuesday, went to the doctor, did an ultrasound and found a cyst on my left ovary.  (could be an ovulation cyst)  Now tomorrow morning, I go for another ultrasound to see if the cyst collapsed.  If it did, then that means that I ovulated.  (We have been  BDing every 36 hours since last Friday).  I am hopeful that we conceived.  My doctor told me the same thing about being in good shape to get pregnant now after the surgery.  He said most conceive within 6 months after this surgery.  

    When did you have your last surgery?  

    My husband has been tested.  Results were not fantastic, but he still had some that were decent quality (he is 44).  

    I'm in a similar boat with you and hoping that in 2 weeks I'll have a BFP.  

    Hang in there.  If it is meant to be, it will.  Good luck and Baby dust to you!

  4. I know that it's hard... I'm very sorry!  It hardly seems fair, especially when you watch the people on TV who don't know who the father is, or read on here the people who DON'T want to be pregnant and are... I've been there, and it is very tough.  My husband and I tried for years before seeing a specialist.  It turns out that my tubes were both completely blocked, and they gave me the option of surgery.  They told me that it may or may not work, and that I could always consider IVF.  I didn't want to do IVF, but i didn't want to do surgery and then "fail" again either.  I opted for IVF.  It sucks.  There are shots (over 100) doctor appointments, stress and pain.  The upside??  I have the most gorgeous 5-month-old daughter on the planet now.  

    It felt to me like I was failing at the most basic level, by not being able to get pregnant on my own.  It's NOT a failure... just a fight. A fight that's totally and completely worth it.  Yes, do the basal body temperature and ovulation predictor kits, but don't feel like you can't ask for help from a specialist if it comes to that.

    Good luck, and hang in there!

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