
Why cant we have a summer like everyone else?

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We have just two hot nice days and then it goes all cold on us again. Its June and it still isnt warm enough to wear summer clothes. Please dont tell me that summer is going to pass us by again for the second time in a row!!! I cant believe I am shivering at this time of the year!!!




  1. They say to expect weather pattern changes--places that used to be warm will be a little colder, places that usually were freezing cold all the time will be a little warmer (melting the glaciers).  It's happening and they don't think it's going to end any time soon.  There are going to be droughts and floods and plant failures (food crops).  Animals dependent on certain living conditions will start to die out.  Insects will take advantage.  Things are changing on this old Earth.

  2. Not everyone likes the Summer, two hot days is more than enough...

  3. its nice down here in devon =]

  4. I know it's terrible! My cousin is in Australia and he says it's freezing over there - even though it's Summer!!! And the worst thing of all was, it was BOILING last christmas!

  5. Be thankful you have nice-but-chilly weather.  Count your blessings.  People in the midwest just lost their homes due to storms and flooding.  China and Burma had how many deaths due to natural causes recently.  I'll take a little chilly calm weather any day.

  6. Im in Michigan  the  winter water wonderland and its hot hot  . I feel like I'm in the tropics

  7. Very warm in Leeds for days.  I have had my summer clothes on since last week and all my coats are in the wardrobe, thank goodness.

  8. Summer doesn't technically start until around June 21st or 22nd so hold off on your complaining until then

  9. That sucks 4 u

  10. June has never been summer, its always started in JULY .. :)

    two hot days out of spec an people STill moan .. *sigh

    don't know where you are, but its not cold enough to shiver in the East Midlands ..may be you're not wearing enough clohtes! I'm happy in a camisole and shorts :)

    And are you doing your bit to protect the environment, wether you believe it or not, if you dont do your bit, you have no grounds to complain. :]

  11. Dr. Deal... Global Warming? Don't give me that ****! We had over 80 inches of snow in Iowa this year. and we were bearly supposed to get snow. Don't even bring that up. But I do wonder beacause now the deal in Iowa is flooding. It's ALWAYS raining. And since June 3rd, it's rained everyday but 2. Pathetic. There really is no reason that I can think of.

  12. I'm in MN... so if you know anything about Minnesota weather I feel ya!! this season has sucked so far... and by the way to the person who said summer doesnt start til July... the Summer Solstice is on June 20 -- so summer does start in June!  come on BRING ON THE SUNSHINE!!

  13. when we get a good summer all the old farts moan that it's too hot and that we need rain.

  14. Two words " Global warming ". these are the effects.

  15. Like everyone else? Does that include Eskimo's?

  16. Nobody is ever satisfied.

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