
Why cant we have world peace? all the extremists attack and instead of joining forces to catch them?

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as far as i believe hes probably working in the white house with bush and bush dose not even kwon about it :\




  1. b/c everyone wants to have the most power....greed that's basically it...look at our wars and what do thy have to with?....having the most power and controlling everyone and everything around them

  2. The Bush family ties with the House of Saud is a quite powerful alliance

  3. We make war so we can live in peace.

  4. i wish i could answer i wish all people would live in peace love each other and stop hurting each other especially children elderly and animals

  5. Because there are other people that will do anything to disrupt that peace.  That is like the saying "why can't we all just get along?"  It would be wonderful but there are always others that want to hurt people, for example: all the school shootings, the unabomber, the attacks on the world trade center.  As much as I would love if everyone lived in peace and harmony, it does not happen, and we have to go to war to defend our freedom, our safety, and our way of life.

  6. cause lots people have it set in their mind that it is impossible and they don't even want to try, if we did have world peace im sure we would find a way to make this place livable and possibly technology would advance greatly making life on other planets possible and less likely over populate the earth. there are resources on other planets that can be used or find a way to use them.

  7. because pretty much every country is jealous of America. and the 2 best countries are America and Russia.

    and the rest are pretty much **** ups that think they can take us.

    you cant have peace without war.

  8. we cant have world peace becuse if you look at the world as family all contrys and all are like bros and sis's and most just fight cant realy agree

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