
Why cant we humans learn to understand eachother betterr?

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Why cant we humans learn to understand eachother betterr?




  1. because we don't want to.

  2. The need for conflict is built into our DNA. We are, after all descended from violent animals to whom war is part of survival, and until we evolve to the point that we see the world through spiritual eyes, it will not change.

  3. because some people have no feelings and they dont understand feelings and they never will.also because our species  is such a self-centered one.also we find it hard to understand because weve all had different expiriences in life.

    Belzie x

  4. Good question. Dunno. I'm sure we probably can learn to understand each other better, it's just that we don't seem to be able to see things from another person's perspective or anything very well. People tend to assume things a lot, and nobody really ever tells anyone how they really feel. If humans are never completely honest with each other, that kinda makes it harder to understand each other.And some people refuse to accept that others have different views to them. So again, if people refuse to listen to each other, that will make it harder.

  5. Thanks for your question.

    I think some reasons may be, the everyday conflict which arise in different places in the world, these conflicts tend to segregate humans from each other more and more.

    The deep gap between the rich and poor of our world or another words between north and south.

    Globalization, different races of humans tend to keep their culture, their identity, thinking that one is better than the other and trying to force  the MacDonald culture make things worse. I am sorry to say it separates humans more and more.

    But, all humans should understand that we have many common things, most of us have goodness, love and peace in their hearts, even the ones who misbehaved or criminals still believe that the right way is goodness and justice . We have amny common morals and ethics which can unite us.

  6. we are an arrogant species maybe hahahaah hmm i like your question, i will be looking out for a good answer!

  7. If we all spoke the same language it would be a flying start,i suggest Chinese ,as there are more Chinese in the world than anyone else.However,no matter what we do,how we live  ,or how we speak, or which of the worlds many,many religions,we follow,or not, WE WOULD STILL FIND SOMETHING TO FIGHT ABOUT,it is in the nature of man.I like Kevins answer as well.

  8. Humans tend to be selfish in their lives... since their natural instinct is survival and the best way to survive in this materialistic world is MONEY... and having lots of money means that your survival rate and lifestyle is the way you want it...

    So money leads to people only thinking about themselves...selfcentered...

    Self-centeredness : It is the nature of humans...

    To deny being self centered is denying the Very Thing That Makes You Human

  9. Becouse we cant' understan ourself. We live pretending to be people we don't are, we act, we but on a mask. Everyone is like that, with no exception. Is very difficul to understand other becouse at firs you have to take off your mask, and then try to communicate with other, but you have to let the other understand that is you the person who is talking, not a stupid mask. When people understan that you are real, and that they can put off their mask without being mocked, you can really communicate.

    We don't trust each other, so we put on masks

  10. Because most of us are selfish, self seeking creatures.  Overall, we care much more about our little daily problems than someone else's major ones.  Most people aren't very good listeners either.  In a conversation, most people are thinking more about what they are going to say next instead of actually listening to what the other person is trying to tell them.  We live in a very ME-FIRST time.

  11. I was all prepared to go into this subject but Emanaly has answered it pretty much as I would and also probably in a better, concise way then I would. A phrase I thought up a while ago I think if adapted by more people, would help us get on better 'Those of true mightiness walk with graceful step'

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