
Why can`t we invent a decent umbrella?

by Guest44954  |  earlier

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Why, when we can land space-ships on the moon, can`t we invent an umbrella that does not blow inside out in a high wind?

(I`m VERY surprised the Japanese have not invented this, as they will try to be first at inventing most anything. )

Just what is the problem, anyone any ideas?




  1. I have an umbrella that doesn't blow inside out in the wind. It closes at the press of a button, and it's teflon-coated to repel water.

    Clearly, you're a bit behind in the technological advance :-p

  2. Personally, as someone who gets fed up being poked in the ear by brolly wielders I think they should be banned, full stop!

  3. Because people aren't usually willing to pay for a more expensive umbrella.

  4. lool

    wow i totally agree

    but, i prefer to walk without an umbrella anyway

    i like the feel of the rain :)

  5. err probably because if someone sees a carbon fibre umbrella costing £50

    up against a normal umbrella costing £2

    im sure the majority of people will chose the £2

    mainly because strong material is heavyer and you dont want to drag around something heavy when your not using an umbrella

    also because its cheaper

    and usually because when wind blows so hard it pushes the umbrella inside out it means its coming from the sides of you and you dont want to hold your umbrella to your side id rather run to my car

    many other reasons but i cant be bothered to go on

  6. umbrellas aren't really a number one priority. I swear there are slightly more domed umbrellas (those clear ones) that don't tend to blow inside out.

  7. it has been invented

  8. wo fray that is ssoo cool

  9. You obviously haven't seen this umbrella then. lol

    "The Unbreakable Umbrella from works just as well as a walking stick or cane but does not make you look funny or feel awkward. Whacks just as strong as a steel pipe but it weighs only 1 lb. and 9 oz. (710 g). And yes, this umbrella resists the wind and will keep you dry in rain just like the best umbrella should."

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