
Why cant white people be proud of thier race like other races in the U.S?

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i am only 12 years old.i just do not understand.i think its wrong!




  1. Because where not a "Race" where what we call Normal and everything else gets a special category(Race) because there inferior  

  2. You can be. Talk about the great accomplishments Caucasians contributed to America, and the rest,of the world.


    EXAMPLE:Irish builders esp. in CHICAGO


  3. I am white, and I'm proud.

    There is nothing wrong with being comfortable with your skin color and where you came from, just don't go thinking you're better because of it like most black people.

    Everyone hates on whites, you'll figure that out.

  4. You are only 12 so are forgiven but

    There is only one race of people on the earth and it is Human.

    There is no white race or white ethnic groups.  White as a category is a blend of many european ethnicity's.  Many of these ethnicity's have darker skin.

    You can be proud of your ethnicity many people have proud to be Irish tee shirts or Italians make better lover shirts.  There are parades in NY for both ethnicity's which would be grouped into the white category.

    Do some research find out where you came from and celebrate that group on there day.  You will find they have there own day like every other group.

  5. well you probably can..but people might get mad if you scream out white power or something like that..i personally don't know why anyone is proud of their race..who cares what you are..but oh's their life

    people are more accepting if you say you're proud to be italian, german, russian, or whatever...if you say WHITE, it's a little different

  6. Why do you think minorities feel the need to feel proud of their race?

    It's because they have been told/taught for decades or centuries that they are stupid, worthless, etc. and they are finally realizing that that's not true.

    That's not the case for white people, so there is no need for them to assert any special pride for being white.

    I personally think being proud of your race, nationality, or anything you didn't directly do yourself is silly. But that's how I would explain it.

  7. I think being proud of your race is where you get in trouble. It's the culture you're supposed to be proud of.

  8. You can only be Black and proud. OF COURSE!

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