
Why car exhaust smoking white 2day? , at night & in sun. tried higher octane gas for the 1st time 2day...acura

by  |  earlier

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acura says the higher octane is safe for my car. ive been using the lower grade prior to today. is that a possible problem? or is there a more serious problem. the hood seems a little hotter than usual also.




  1. Blown head gasket.


  2. Driving a little fast, eh?  Blow by me and I just laugh because I'll be blowing by you when you're sitting on the side of the road soon enough.  hehehe.  Sorry.

  3. sounds like u are getting water in your engine it could be the master cylander, head gasket or water pump

  4. Sounds like a blown head gasket letting coolant into the cylinder (thats the white smoke) or possibly cracked head (also allowing coolant into cylinder.

  5. Yep...sounds like a cracked head or blown head gasket. Have you noticed your water level getting lower in coolant reservoir? That is one sure way to tell. Also check your oil dip stick....some times the water gets into oil. If your level is high or if the oil is cloudy or foamy on the stick...then you know for sure you have a major problem.

  6. You should never jump and change your gas. Mixing gas these day is like mixe bleach wit amonuia not a good thing. Try buying some B12 spray change your air filter spay B12 direcly into feul intake.Fill car up wit gas you been using and put a bottle of pour in B12 into gas tank.

    Add some engine smoke begone into your oil. Should stop your problem.

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