
Why career woman don't like to marry a house husband ?

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it would have been an easy way out to be successful in their life and career still working woman don't prefer husband who stays home and manage household work....but there may be exceptional cases also .




  1. I'll be damned if I'm going to support a man and especially one that's capable of working longer and harder hours than I do.  

  2. Why not she can marry a house husband

    But there may be exceptional cases also

  3. Well I do not think they will mind that But Biologically and emotionally I feel Mother can do better justice on Home front !

  4. He neither cooks nor earn.

  5. I think it's an individual perception and i see nothing wrong in it .

  6. Men can never manage the house the same way women do. So when I come back from work I still have to do something even when im tired. So i personally prefer a hubby who works

  7. I am one of those exceptions.  

  8. There are exceptions, but some women fall under that old school way of thinking the 'man works, and woman clean' mentality. Maybe not as exaggerated but even in society a dude that doesn't have a job isnt' taking care of himself and isn't a 'man' so him staying at home as a househusband puts this bad image on him.

    Also for many women, again that 'confident man' is what a lot of women want or are attracted to, and a man being a househusband means he's 'depending' on her to take care of him..which may not express that 'confident man' that can take care of himself and take care of business.

    There are exceptions..and also cases where the man WAS being the breadwinner and making the money, but since his wife or whatever got a great job and makes more than him now...he decided to switch job roles....and they were probably fine with it.

    It is harder of course if they were single, but again if the man was taking care of himself before they met, then if they got together and compromised or whatever it CAN happen.  

  9. lack of respect.

  10. How many men do you want who would accept to be househusbands? It's a huge blow to the male ego if their woman earns more than they do, let alone if they don't earn anything at all. Such men would be unbearable to live with.

  11. Seems highly sexist for a woman to not want a house husband.

    Quite a shame in this day and age.  

  12. Cultural norms trend to few men available or willing to be House Husbands.  

    The few who have the opportunity enjoy it thoroughly.  This is a pragmatic solution to some family challenges.  Industrial and Technical Economics offer interesting variations to common perceptions of divisions of labor.

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