
Why carrot freckled people are often bantered?

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whence springs out such a prejudice?




  1. i think its out of order. i too have red hair and freckles even though when i was born it was a brownish colour that developed in to bright orange then to red to a darker red and no my hair is somewhere between a red and brown colour although i wouldnt now know as ive been dying my hair for a couple of years to avoid such abuse. its made me self conscious and half my friends dont even know my natural hair colour resulting in me never being myself really. its sad really sad what gives people the right. im not even that bad looking. sometimes i think  its a curse. i got bullied in middle school but in primary school i always got compliments. middle school. the name calling. i hate this world sometimes

  2. i think its out of order. i too have red hair and freckles even though when i was born it was a brownish colour that developed in to bright orange then to red to a darker red and no my hair is somewhere between a red and brown colour although i wouldnt now know as ive been dying my hair for a couple of years to avoid such abuse. its made me self conscious and half my friends dont even know my natural hair colour resulting in me never being myself really. its sad really sad what gives people the right. im not even that bad looking. sometimes i think  its a curse. i got bullied in middle school but in primary school i always got compliments. middle school. the name calling. i hate this world sometimes

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